“We are not in America. Psychologists are needed at the service of schools»- time.news

by time news

2023-05-29 23:42:04

Of Gianna Fregonara

After the case of the stabbing of the teacher: almost five cases a month of attacks on teachers. The legal aid of the State Attorney’s Office is under way

Minister Valditara, a teacher attacked and stabbed. A class held in check with a toy gun. Are we becoming like America?
«A particularly disturbing event took place in Abbiategrasso. But fortunately we are not at those levels: I do not see a diffusion of episodes similar to those we read about in the news from the United States. However, there is a double problem in schools: that of an increase in the psychological discomfort of adolescents and that of an increase in bullying episodes, even against the teachers».

Do you see them connected?

«The experience of Covid has contributed to cracking that interpersonal relationship which is fundamental in educational development. There are alarming data of threats and even beatings of teachers. The regional education offices have told us that since the beginning of the school year there have been about five cases a month. Where you have been asked, we have already arranged for the legal defense by the state attorney. All of this should make us think.”

You announced that the State will appear in court against anyone who attacks a teacher for “damage to image”. Are you referring to episodes like yesterday’s?

«I am referring in particular to the cases of serious attacks perpetrated especially by parents against teachers. On bullying, among other things, a group that I have set up at the Ministry is finishing its work, made up of various experts, which will shortly present his proposals. From the initial information, yesterday’s case does not seem to me to properly fall within an episode of bullying”.

What is it about, what interventions do you plan to introduce and when?

«Above all, it is necessary to recreate an atmosphere of serenity in schools, to enhance that educating community which is committed every day to supporting and developing the talents of every boy, paying particular attention to the personality of the individual, so that he can experience his growth process without this generating anxieties or, even worse, dramatic situations. Above all, on the subject of adolescent mental distress, I believe that forms of psychological help should also be introduced for students who experience particular distress”.

In reality, the so-called “psychological support” was introduced during Covid, which the Meloni government no longer financed this year. Why?

«That was an emergency, exceptional measure that the Draghi government had already weakened by significantly reducing funding for the current school year. Those interventions were used to mitigate the discomfort caused by home confinement and the interruption of face-to-face teaching imposed by the pandemic. My idea is different: we need to think of structured psychological support in the area that is at the service of schools when they need it”.

Will it be active as early as next September?

«Parliament is discussing it, there are various bills coming from all groups. Now we need to find a synthesis».

Immediately after the attack, you went to see the professor in the hospital, how did you find her?

“It was proven. I expressed solidarity and closeness on my part and on behalf of the State and appreciation for the seriousness and professionalism with which you have dealt with this very problematic case in your class in the past months. Now there is an ongoing judicial investigation.

May 29, 2023 (change May 29, 2023 | 22:53)

#America #Psychologists #needed #service #schools #time.news

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