Agência Câmara: Deputies opposed to the timeframe for indigenous lands…

by time news

2023-05-31 03:20:02

Parliamentarians opposed to the project of the time frame for the demarcation of indigenous lands (PL 490/07) warned about the threat to the rights of indigenous peoples and about damage to environmental preservation.

In the plenary of the Chamber, the text was criticized by deputy Célia Xakriabá (Psol-MG). “PL 490 intends to kill humanity’s oldest woman, which is Earth,” she said. She pointed out that the proposal could open indigenous territories of voluntary isolation and encourage violence against indigenous people.

Deputy Juliana Cardoso (PT-SP) also criticized the proposal. “We are not just talking about the rights of indigenous peoples, but the environment and life on Earth,” she said.

land conflicts
Deputy Jandira Feghali (PCdoB-RJ) stated that the proposal will not resolve land conflicts and will invade lands inhabited by isolated indigenous people. “This project violates the rights of indigenous peoples, ignores land conflicts, ignores the rights of isolated peoples”, she criticized.

Psol leader, Deputy Guilherme Boulos (Psol-SP), called the proposal a setback. “The timeframe goes against the grain of what is discussed internationally, against the grain of environmental preservation and the defense of native peoples,” he said.

Deputy Tarcísio Motta (Psol-RJ) recalled the situation of the Yanomami people to criticize the proposal. “I am very impressed that, after the images we saw at the beginning of this year of the Yanomami genocide, of famine in its worst form, we make it a priority in this House to make it difficult to demarcate land,” he declared.

Opposing the project, the Minister of Indigenous Peoples, Sônia Guajajara, and the president of the National Foundation for Indigenous Peoples (Funai), Joenia Wapichana, accompanied the vote on the proposal in the Plenary of the Chamber of Deputies.

Due to the time frame, the demarcations of indigenous reserves should only affect lands that were occupied by this population until the date of enactment of the Constitution (October 5, 1988), a parameter used in the demarcation of the Raposa Serra do Sol reserve.

This thesis has already been questioned in the Federal Supreme Court (STF), which should resume the trial on June 7. The court rapporteur, Minister Edson Fachin, voted against the time frame.

Deputy José Nelto (PP-GO) defended the approval of the text and the right to private property. “We have to be responsible with Brazil. This is the time for discussion and voting on this matter in defense of property,” he said.

For congressman Kim Kataguiri (União-SP), the proposed time frame will regulate the use of wealth, indigenous health and other issues. “We are not bringing anything new, what sets the time frame is the Constitution and the judgment of Raposa Serra do Sol”, he said.

Deputy Sergio Souza (MDB-PR) also highlighted that the proposal regulates a constitutional device. “It is the prerogative of Parliament to regulate the Constitution,” he pointed out.

Deputy Fabio Garcia (União-MT) stated that the timeframe will provide legal certainty and pacify conflicts. “We cannot be vulnerable to an anthropological report by a Funai official in order to suddenly transform a city into a new indigenous reserve,” he said.

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