They denounce that the AMLO government seeks to ideologize children with school books

by time news

2023-05-31 20:15:00

May 31, 2023 / 1:15 p.m

The National Union of Family Parents (UNPF) denounced that the government of the president of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, seeks to ideologize children through school books.

In dialogue with ACI Prensa, Israel Sánchez Martínez, in charge of the office of the office of the UNPF presidency, pointed out that “the Ministry of Public Education (SEP) failed to comply with the process of preparing textbooks that the same institution established.” .

“Outside the law and behind the backs of the citizenry, it is preparing free textbooks for primary and secondary schools, which they intended to use for the next school year,” he said.

According to organizations that have accessed the books, Sánchez said, they include terms such as “community person” and “gender identity.”

For the UNPF representative, the government wants to promote these concepts while “a post-pandemic child cannot read or write.”

The SEP is the government ministry that is in charge of ensuring education in the country. On its website it usually publishes part of the content of basic and higher education texts, but in the case of the next school year that has not happened.

On Friday, May 19, the Mexican Judiciary ordered the SEP and the National Commission for Free Textbooks to provisionally suspend the printing and distribution of school books for the 2023-2024 school year.

Israel Sánchez denounced that the government tries to “ideologize children”, and specified that the UNPF has requested that the study plan be delivered to it during the past year and this year. “The information was requested institutionally and officially and we never received a response,” he stressed.

“The Law establishes that the books must have been socialized, that is, that they have been seen by pedagogues, administrative personnel, among others, with the aim of finding those methodological, didactic, pedagogical errors, so that this could be consistent with the needs that Mexico has”, Sánchez continued.

In his opinion, “these public education books are dangerous, because they are not in accordance with the reality of the country, educational improvement, and the plans and programs that establish that these basic, didactic, and pedagogical elements must be included so that with that scientific rigor and technical, books can have a substance”.

Other challenges in education in Mexico

While trying to promote ideologized books, for the UNPF the SEP neglects other challenges facing education in Mexico.

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Sánchez points out, for example, that “50% of the country’s (educational) infrastructure lacks basic services”, since it does not have electricity and adequate facilities.

The representative of the National Union of Family Parents also assured that “education is not free, it costs us all, because an important part of resources is allocated to pay for it from our taxes.”

“That is why it is in our interest what that money is being invested in or allocated to,” he specified.

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