The Risk of Nerve Pain from Shingles Increases with Age – Learn About Symptoms and Prevention

by time news

2023-06-01 09:19:34

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Nerve pain from shingles – The risk increases with age Brand management

Shingles is still underestimated by many. The “Day of Action Against Pain” is intended to draw attention to the pain issue associated with shingles. Now, learn more about the symptoms of this condition, the often painful effects, and how you can protect yourself.

What is shingles?

Shingles (herpes zoster) is a viral disease caused by the varicella-zoster virus, which initially causes chickenpox. After a chickenpox infection, the virus remains inactive in the body and can later be reactivated as shingles by various triggers. More than 95 percent of people over the age of 60 carry the varicella-zoster virus, the causative agent of shingles, after an earlier infection with chickenpox – usually in childhood.[1] About one in three people will fall ill during their lifetime. In Germany alone, around 400,000 cases are registered every year. In addition to the typical skin rashes with blisters, those affected often suffer from very severe nerve pain. Up to 30 percent of those affected develop post-herpetic neuralgia, in which the pain can last for weeks, months or a lifetime.[2] Typical symptoms of post-herpetic neuralgia are constant burning pain, hypersensitivity to sensory stimuli and itching.[3] In general, the degree of pain associated with herpes zoster-related pain is perceived as very strong – significantly higher than, for example, pain conditions associated with rheumatoid arthritis.[4]

Shingles often affects one side of the body.
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The risk of developing the disease increases with age

The main risk factor for a disease is age, because the body’s own defenses decrease significantly from the age of 50. The declining immune system can reactivate the dormant viruses in the body and trigger shingles. Other possible triggers are illness and stress. The risk of possible complications also increases with age. In addition to long-lasting nerve pain, hearing or vision loss can also occur, and shingles also increases the risk of stroke and heart attack for about 6 months.

The risk of potential complications increases with age.
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Vaccination can protect

The Standing Vaccination Commission (STIKO) recommends preventive vaccination against shingles for all people over 60 years of age.[5] For people with underlying conditions such as As diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, asthma or COPD, vaccination is recommended from the age of 50 as a so-called indication vaccination. The health insurance companies cover the costs for this.

Protect yourself against shingles – let your doctor advise you on your preventive care options. More information at

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[1] Wutzler et al. 2001; Vaccine 20: 121-124.

[2] Harpaz R et al. MMWR Recomm Rep 2008; 57: 1-40

[3] Kost RG, Straus SE. N Engl J Med 1996;335:32-42

[4] Katz J et al Surg Clin North Am1999; 79:231-252

[5] RKI: EpiBul 18/2020.

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