The Premier League punched through Boxing Day

by time news

Berlin – More than 100,000 corona cases per day, professionals in quarantine instead of on the field, a pleading Jürgen Klopp: But of course the British will not let their traditional football party on Boxing Day be spoiled by a temporary phenomenon such as a deadly pandemic. A whopping nine games are scheduled for December 26th – in sold out stadiums, of course. And two days later the wild hunt continues through the holidays. Covid or not.

“Even in normal times I don’t think it’s right. In the current situation, insisting on playing games within two days feels wrong, “said Liverpool coach Klopp and became even clearer:” Every team has had to do with Covid. We cannot put our hands in front of our eyes and pretend the situation is normal. It isn’t. She is extraordinary. And on that basis, I beg those in power to make a difference. Please do it for the benefit of the players. “

Jürgen Klopp’s request does not prevail

The only thing is: Klopp’s words will go unheard. That became clear on Monday when all clubs in the league spoke out against postponing the Boxing Day spectacle at a crisis summit. And, mind you, under the fresh impression that six out of ten games had to be canceled due to corona cases the previous weekend. The coaches and football professionals in the English Premier League will hold another crisis meeting on Thursday (5 p.m. CET). The reason for the gathering is the high load caused by the tight calendar, which will increase due to several corona-related postponements.

“We test ourselves every day. And every day you may not even make it to the office. It’s a lottery, ”said coach Thomas Tuchel. At his FC Chelsea, the corona virus in Timo Werner and Romelu Lukaku paralyzed the entire storm. It could be available again on Boxing Day at Aston Villa.

The coach duel with Liverpool legend Steven Gerrard has to serve almost as a top game in the absence of other constellations. Liverpool meets the ailing Leeds, league leaders Manchester City receive Leicester, and Ralf Rangnick with Manchester United will not face Newcastle until Monday after a 16-day Corona break.

Boris Johnson doesn’t stand in the way of Boxing Day

The problem with the Premier League is that given the tight schedule, they just don’t know where to move the games. “I don’t have a solution for the league either,” admitted Tuchel. Politics is not in the way of a full game plan with full stadiums for the time being. Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced in the middle of the week that the situation was still too unclear for new corona restrictions. That means: nothing happens until December 27th. And on January 2nd, the game between Chelsea and Liverpool will be allowed to stand for the first time in 28 years.

But Boxing Day is just around the corner. All games are still scheduled in the Premier League – in which 16 percent of the professionals are unvaccinated. However, the deeper you go, the darker it gets. In the second-rate championship there have been three cancellations so far, in League One four and in League Two with six cancellations it is already half of all games.

As in the League Cup, there are no restrictions for the stadiums during the week. If you have been vaccinated, recovered or tested, you are allowed in. Without a mask in place. The same applies to indoor events such as the Darts World Cup, which is currently underway, where people sway and sing close to each other in the Alexandra Palace in London every evening.

Incidentally, where you can make your own laws, you don’t obey Prime Minister Johnson. Only 500 fans per game are allowed in Scotland. In addition, there will be a winter break in the north of Great Britain after the Boxing Day matchday. An option that will only be available in England in a few weeks. The ball will rest there from 23 January to 7 February around an international break.


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