Why is the search for disability-friendly housing likely to become complicated?

by time news

2023-06-01 18:40:03

“It’s already hell to find an apartment in town, so when you have a disability it’s not even worth it. » Martin Small, a quadriplegic since an accident in 2017, recounts the obstacle course of his search for a suitable apartment. “Before, I was in accommodation in Crous and the elevator broke down, I was stuck at home for three weeks”, he recalls before joking about a “containment before it was fashionable”. And to remember what had unblocked his situation: “I had been advised to get closer to the GIHP and I must say that they had been very efficient and pleasant with me. »

“It is virtuous for everyone”

The Group for the Integration of Physically Handicapped People works to enable people with disabilities to gain autonomy and have a fulfilling social life. “Depending on the situation, opening a door or going to the toilet is impossible, notes Hervé Parra, its managing director in Aquitaine. So, we are here to find the most suitable accommodation depending on the situation. »

To do this, the group manages a platform that lists suitable accommodation in Gironde and puts applicants in contact with landlords. “It’s virtuous for everyone, we are doing both people and donors a service,” says Hervé Parra. We are also working to keep people in their homes by making accessible those who are no longer suitable, for an elderly person for example. And we also advise landlords who wish to build suitable housing. And if Martin Petit has found his happiness thanks to the organization, he fears that others will no longer be able to benefit from it.

Between 400 and 450 additional requests per year

“The problem is that it is becoming more and more complicated to find sources of funding”, deplores Hervé Parra who fears that he will no longer be able to ensure the sustainability of the GIHP. main source of funding, Conference of funders for the prevention of loss of autonomy grants less and less funds to the GIHP. “Two years ago we asked for nearly €230,000, last year we were granted €120,000 and this year we were told less than €100,000. Blame it on the increase in the number of projects supported by the conference, under the aegis of the department.

Each year, the GIHP receives 400 to 450 new requests in Gironde. “If tomorrow we are forced to close, it would be dramatic, no one will help people find suitable housing,” warns Hervé Parra.

For the time being, the director has met various potential funders, but claims not to have had any positive feedback yet and is counting on donations made on the GIHP website. “The Girondin territory must keep its lead in this area”, plagues the leader. AT Bordeauxeven if the bike is popular, backpedaling should not be on the agenda.

#search #disabilityfriendly #housing #complicated

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