The battles that made the 2022 maneuver

by time news

From the cuts in personal income tax and Irap to the superbonus, from energy bills to folders, from pensions to citizenship income. These are the issues on which the discussion on budget law 2022 in the two months from the launch in the Council of Ministers to the approval of the changes by Parliament. The distribution of eight billion planned for the fiscal intervention it has held the ground since its announcement, with the law issued from Palazzo Chigi which fixed only the principles, while the details came only with the package of amendments signed by the government.

The decision to focus on low-to-middle incomes, through the passage from 5 to 4 personal income tax rates, did not find everyone in agreement. The trade unions asked to intervene on compensation of employees and pensions, allocating all resources to the reduction of the tax on individuals; while the industry would have wanted a reduction in the tax wedge. The final version provides for a cut of the personal income tax of 7 billion el” elimination of IRAP for individual and professional entrepreneurs, with a billion in spending.

Also around the Basic income there was a very animated debate, but this time among the majority forces, which saw on the one hand the creators of the measure, the 5-star Movement, and on the other the greatest critics, the Lega, which proposed to review the tool and allocate a portion of the resources to other chapters.

The Carroccio did not even like the norm of passage from a quota of 100 to a more sustainable social security system (but not the Fornero reform), with the introduction of quota 102. There was also strong criticism from the trade unions, because the number of workers who will be able to retire using the window created for 2022 would be too small.

Another battle that characterized the 2022 budget law was that on tax records, with some majority forces, in particular from the center right, who were calling for a new scrapping and, on the other hand, those from the center left opposed. The result was the extension of 180 days for payment of the roles that will arrive in the first three months of next year.

Three-month solution also identified against the dear one electricity and gas bills, with 2 billion of resources initially set, which have risen up to 3.8 billion, thanks to an accounting ‘ploy’ that made it possible to ‘free up’ 3.2 billion. To implement the plan, the government had to pass a decree law in December, which was then transferred into the budget law with a government amendment. Another law decree, on the other hand, was used to introduce rules against fraud related to building bonuses, also inserted in the budget law with an amendment.

And just one of the tax credits introduced to incentivize the construction sector kept the Budget Committee on standby until December 21st: all the majority asked to eliminate the stakes for the super bonus, from isee roof of 25,000 euros for the villas single-family, but the government was totally disagreeing with the cost of the intervention.

On the night of voting, an amendment was approved that satisfies the requests of the parliament but, at the moment, it has not yet been possible to examine the standard in its final version. In fact, after 2 days, the approved amendments have not yet been published, which will have to be included in the maxi-amendment that will be presented in the classroom at the opening of the proceedings (initially set for 18.00 but postponed to 20.00).

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