After Israel: Britain and Germany are considering a fourth vaccine

by time news
The daily number of infections in Corona in the UK continues to break records, and today has reached almost 120,000. Britain announced tonight (Thursday) that 119,789 people have been diagnosed in the last day Compared to 106,122 yesterday.

In the UK, as in many countries around the world, people are currently worried about the spread of the Omicron variant, which is considered particularly contagious. It was reported yesterday that against the backdrop of the spread of the omicron in the UK there has been a one-week increase of almost 60% in morbidity. According to the data, last week in England 1.2 million people were diagnosed positive for Corona – 1 in 45 residents, a record since the beginning of the plague. In London the number is particularly high: 1 in 30 residents was diagnosed positive last week. In the previous two weeks the average number of people infected in England was 1 in 60 people.

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To curb the morbidity, ahead of Christmas this weekend, the UK government has renewed the duty to wear masks in shops and instructed residents to present immunization certificates at the entrance to nightclubs, and other crowded places. British Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced this week that he does not intend to impose new restrictions before Christmas – but may do so after the holiday.

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British Prime Minister Boris Johnson is visiting the Vaccine Center this month

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson is visiting the Vaccine Center this month

(Photo: AFP)

The British government, meanwhile, is encouraging preliminary studies that show the omicron strain is not as deadly as the Delta strain. Health Minister Sajid Javid said two studies conducted on the subject were “encouraging news”, but noted that it still had to wait until the picture became clear. Even if the omicron is indeed less dangerous, its rapid rate of spread could cause tremendous congestion in UK hospitals. Following the spread of the omicron hospitals are reporting a shortage of manpower, as workers are required to be in isolation.

To stop the Omicron, Britain may follow in the footsteps of Israel – Which was the first country in the world to approve the administration of a fourth dose of the vaccine For citizens over the age of 60, and for those in the risk groups. A government adviser said some Britons may need a fourth dose to be protected from the new variant, noting that the decision is expected to be made shortly after the New Year celebrations. Professor Adam Finn, who is a member of a government advisory committee on vaccines, said: “People who received the booster dose early – older people and those who are at risk – may well get another dose.”

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Corona British in line for vaccinationCorona British in line for vaccination

British in line for the Corona vaccine

(Photo: AP)

“I think there will be people who will get a fourth dose. I still very much doubt if it’s all of them, we need to see how things progress in this wave and beyond,” said the British professor who advises the government. “It has not yet been decided, it is still under review and discussion, and we will provide recommendations on that at some point in the new year.” Professor Anthony Hernden, the committee’s deputy chairman, told the Telegraph: “We need to see more information. “Our circumstances are different from Israel’s and we need to see more information about a decrease in immunity and the effectiveness of the vaccine against hospitalization.”

Another country that is considering vaccinating in a fourth dose is Germany. Its new health minister, Karl Lauterbach, said today that he believes the Germans will need a fourth dose of the vaccine to produce maximum protection against the virus. Lauterbach, a former physician and scientist, said: “As a scientist, I believe a fourth vaccine will be necessary.”

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Corona Christmas Market in LondonCorona Christmas Market in London

Christmas market in London, in recent days

(Photo: API)

Lauterbach said Germany had not yet experienced a sharp rise in morbidity as a result of the spread of the omicron, in contrast to what is happening in other European countries. He expects that after Christmas and New Year celebrations this trend will be felt in Germany as well. The Robert Koch Institute, which is responsible for controlling and preventing diseases, today reported the first death in Germany of a patient infected with the omicron strain. The institute noted that his age was “between 60 and 79.” According to the Robert Koch Institute, there are currently 3,198 carriers of the omicron strain in Germany – a 25% increase from yesterday.

In the run-up to Christmas and the New Year, Germany has called on citizens to celebrate on a limited basis – and go get vaccinated. 70.7% of the population is vaccinated with at least two doses and 35% is also vaccinated with the booster dose.

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Germany Corona Christmas Berlin Germany Corona Christmas Berlin

Christmas decorations in Berlin

(Photo: gettyimages)

Germany’s new chancellor, Olaf Schultz, met with the leaders of the province’s 16 states and agreed with them on a series of new restrictions that will take effect on December 28. Under the restrictions, Germany will ban private gatherings of more than 10 people – and these too will only be able to meet if everyone is vaccinated or recovering. Admission to restaurants will continue to be conditional on the presentation of a green label, and sporting events will be held without an audience.

Italy announced today that it will tighten its corona restrictions. Tonight it reported a jump in the number of infected: 44,595 infected in the last day (the highest figure for more than a year), compared to 36,293 yesterday. However, the number of patients admitted to intensive care units is significantly lower than the numbers for winter 2020.

The Prime Minister of Italy, Mario Draghi, said that his country plans, among other things, to oblige the citizens to wear masks in open areas as well – such as in Spain. Among the steps to be approved by the government later in the day will be a directive requiring FFP2 masks (the European standard equivalent to the N95) to be worn in public places such as cinemas, theaters and sporting events. Draghi’s government is also considering closing the clubs and discos by New Year’s Eve.

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Vaccinated against corona in ItalyVaccinated against corona in Italy

Vaccinated against corona in Italy

(Photo: Reuters)

In addition, the Italian government is examining ways to increase the pace of the booster operation, and is considering shortening the wait between the second dose of the vaccine and the third dose – from five to four months.

The Italian National Institutes of Health said that as of December 20, Omicron was responsible for 28% of those infected in Corona – compared to only 0.19% on December 6. “Although these are preliminary results, estimates confirm the tremendous rate of spread of the variant, which is expected to be the most common in a short period of time,” the institute said. It is estimated that in early January the Omicron will become the dominant strain of the corona in Europe.

The region of Catalonia in northeastern Spain – where the city of Barcelona is located – received approval today from the court to impose a night closure on residents. Catalonia will be banned from leaving the houses between 01:00 and 06:00, starting tonight. “The aim is to try to limit, over Christmas, social interactions in which masks are not used,” said Catalonia’s regional leader Fernando López Miras. The Miras regional government also bans dancing in nightclubs, limiting the number of diners in restaurants.

In Spain, most corona restrictions were lifted during the summer – thanks to a high immunization rate – but in recent days the omicron has significantly increased the number of infected. Yesterday, the number of people infected jumped to about 60,000 – and in some areas it was decided to impose new restrictions. Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez announced yesterday that his country is renewing its duty to wear masks in open areas as well.

In Greece, authorities have announced the cancellation of Christmas shows, as part of new restrictions – which include the obligation to wear masks in open areas and all public places. The restrictions will take effect on Friday.

As part of the restrictions, the Greeks will be asked to wear two masks, or a mask that provides high protection, in public transport and supermarkets. Health Minister Thanos Flavris said further restrictions are expected in the new year – mainly on cultural and sporting events, to prevent the possibility of closure. “We are constantly monitoring the morbidity to see that behind the delta strain there is a spread of omicron,” he said. Yesterday Greece reported 5,641 infected in Corona. The number of Omicron carriers is low so far – only a few dozen.

Outside Europe, too, the spread of the omicron is being felt: countries in the Persian Gulf are reporting an increase in infections, after months of declining morbidity. In Saudi Arabia, the country with the highest population in the Gulf, 252 new infections were reported in Corona today. At the end of September, the daily number of infected people in Saudi Arabia averaged about 50. Kuwait reported 143 new infections yesterday – the most since the end of August. Oman, Qatar and Bahrain have also seen an increase in morbidity – but not significantly.

The UAE today reported the highest daily number of infections since August. In the last day, 1,002 new infections have been diagnosed in the Emirates in the Corona – compared to 665 yesterday. Just a few weeks ago, the number of daily infections in the Emirates was only about 50, but then the omicron soon began to spread there as well.

The rate of vaccination in the Emirates is among the highest in the world, and more than 90% are vaccinated in two doses. Authorities are demanding to wear masks, but beyond that there are no significant restrictions on the area and Dubai’s pubs, restaurants, hotels and beaches are full. For the tourism industry in the Emirates the current period is one of the busiest in the year.


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