Documentary helps to get out of addiction to pornography

by time news

2023-06-01 18:26:00

June 1, 2023 / 11:26 a.m.

The documentary “Dark addiction” shows true stories of people addicted to pornography and how, in their struggle to get off this “silent drug”, they have experienced the love of God.

On Thursday May 25, during a meeting with young people in Rome, Pope Francis defined pornography as “the crudest commercialization of love”.

The day before, after the General Audience in the Vatican, the Holy Father had met with Martha Lilia López and Juan Carlos Salas, the producer and director of this documentary that is intended to be an instrument of denunciation of the serious consequences of pornography.

In conversation with ACI Prensa, Juan Carlos Salas explained that it is the first documentary that “addresses the issue from the body, mind and spirit. It is the first time that this dimension is discussed, about the need that we human beings have to love”.

This documentary film, which will be released soon by the producer Belladream Filmsis the result of 10 years of research on the problems of pornography consumption, especially among young people.

In addition to the testimonies, there are 6 specialists who speak from a sociological, psychological, sexual and spiritual point of view.

“Everything is at risk”, even the soul

According to Salas, the documentary shows “interviews with people from all over the world and has the collaboration of various experts. They are not only numbers and statistics, but they are people who teach how to get out of this addiction, and they do it in an altruistic way to help others”.

“One of the main purposes is to expose the problem, it is a call for dialogue, debate, and an instrument to denounce the damage it is doing to our children, not only to young people. It is a call to take action on the matter”, he asserted.

For the director of the report, in the healing of this addiction “God and faith are everything, they play a very important role”.

In fact, one of the testimonies tells how, during his fight to get out of addiction, he discovered that “I was never going to experience satisfaction with my sexuality until I learned how to live it as God asked me to: as a gift, communion and open to creation.” ”.

“This documentary -adds Juan Carlos Salas- shows how pornography can make you lose everything. Everything is at risk: your marriage, your friends, your family, and even your soul.”

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A tool to get ahead

Speaking to ACI Prensa, the director also lamented that pornography today “is in the palm of our hands, we are exposed with mobile devices.”

Therefore, he pointed out that “youth can be deceived with this false lovewith this false carnal desire and not understanding that this is a problem in the mind, body and spirit, from which it is very difficult to get out later ”.

“A small image can trigger growing consumption, even if you don’t want to. That is why we must promote the value of virtue. Our brain is reprogrammed for sexual reproduction; For this reason, a single image can be a stimulus, especially if they are new and fast images. That is why it is difficult to get out of it, ”he explained.

In this sense, he pointed out the need to educate the youngest -the documentary is for people over 13 years old-, and the responsibility that parents have. “The film is also a tool for parents and educatorsso that they know how to address this issue and be able to help prevent it.”

“A silent drug”

Salas warned that it is “a silent drug.” “With the consumption of pornography you have two faces: the alcoholic shows it, the drug addict shows it, the one who consumes pornography, no,” he stressed.

In this sense, he explained that “scientists found that many symptoms are related to pornography, since it numbs parts of the brain.” “It literally atrophies the brain and creates patterns that are very difficult to remove.and more in children and young people”.

theology of the body

Together with the experiences and testimonies, a tour of what were the first alerts about this addiction in the 60s and its consequences to the present is made.

The documentary ends with a hopeful message: you can get out of it. One of the protagonists, through his experience, explains that pornography “changes the way we see other people and changes our ability to experience God’s love”.

He assures that discovering the Theology of the Body was what helped him to get out of addiction and find true happiness.

“If what I’m really looking for through sexuality is to be a gift to others, to connect with others and to create, then pornography does the opposite, empty my soul of the ability to love and give”.

In this line, He explained that during his battle he understood: “I am the only son of God. Knowing that I am unique, that I am unrepeatable and that I reveal who God is, in a unique and unrepeatable way” was fundamental.

The documentary can be viewed soon on the Famiplay platform and through the page where, in addition, you can find books, support groups and other videos to help you get out of this addiction, often silenced.

Almudena Martínez-Bordiú is a Spanish journalist, correspondent for ACI Prensa in Rome and the Vatican, with four years of experience in religious information.

#Documentary #helps #addiction #pornography

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