Catalonia needs 120,000 VET profiles in three years to fill vacancies

by time news

2023-06-03 06:30:39

Catalonia will need 124,149 people with a profile of vocational training (VET) per cover mainly vacancies and the demand for new jobs. Trade, manufacturing industry or health activities will be some of the trades that will most need reinforcements in the short term, although the need for professional trades will be transversal, according to a report presented this Wednesday by the employers’ association Foment del Treball.

The retirement of the “baby boom” generation will be a challenge for more than one company, which will see how the most veterans retire and leave behind a stream of vacancies that the management will have to fill in order to continue paying. Specifically, in Catalonia, 80% of the profiles demanded during the next three years will be replacements.

The data presented by the Catalan employers’ association, in collaboration with the former Minister of Employment and current president of the Fundación Cife, Valeriano Gómez, trace a trend shared with the rest of Spain. The projections collected in their study, which are based on data from Cedefop and Eurofound, estimate that over the next decade companies will need to cover more than 12 million jobs. And the vast majority, because of this generational relief. Lawyers or professionals linked to legal disciplines, assemblers and information technicians will be the three profiles most requested by companies during the next decade.

Unlike Europe as a whole, Spain will have a different demand in terms of profiles requested by companies. In the rest of the Old Continent, what will be prioritized will be FP profiles, above university graduates. On the other hand, in Spain, employment forecasts continue to postulate a higher number of vacancies available for these seconds. However, the proportion of jobs offered that require low specialization or training will decrease and will be advanced by these profiles of the old trades.

Aside from the new vacancies that the demographic transition may open up, the Foment report points out that the retraining and training of workers remains an outstanding subject in Catalonia and Spain. Although in recent years more and more companies are deciding to teach or outsource some kind of learning course for their workers.

To the extent that in 2021, the last data available from the Fundae, there were 4.8 million participants in subsidized training actions, a historical record. With a coverage rate of 36.7%, that is, if a participating company had 100 workers, 37 participated in the training courses.

However, the public budget available for training in companies and for unemployed people continues to be exhausted. The employer warns that the State is not implementing all the funds it has annually for the training of people, both active and unemployed workers who are looking to rejoin the labor market. According to data from Sepe itself, between 42% and 44% of the available budget is not spent. This represented, in 2021, leaving in a drawer 1.04 million euros.

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