Why do the center parties disappear?

by time news

2023-06-03 11:18:27

citizens it had long been a drifting ship bailing out water. resisted sinking, while watching many of their most well-known profiles jump out of the match before the wreck. In the final debacle, the one who was the leader of the party, Inés Arrimadas also announced her departure from politics. Meanwhile, some critics in the orange ranks are “embarrassed by the decisions that the new Executive has been making. But, why parties like Ciudadanos, with the ideas they represent, fail to last?

It happened with UCD, CDS, UPyD and now Cs. They all somehow ended up being engulfed by the two main political forces. The Professor of Constitutional Law and Political Sciences and Coordinator of the Degree in International Relations at the European University of Valencia, Federic Mertens of Wilmarshighlights that Cs, like UPyD “They failed to establish themselves because the Spanish political landscape has traditionally been bipolarized between the moderate left (PSOE) and the moderate right (AP-PP)”, which makes it more difficult for a hinge option to last.

For Narciso Michavila, sociologist and president of GAD 3, Ciudadanos “has ended as in Spain all the center parties end, as UCD, CDS, the radical party in the Second Republic or O’donnell’s -Unión Liberal-” ended. Because? «The majority of the electorate is of temperate positions, but in the end there is tension. If they go to the left, they lose to the right. And if they go to the right, they lose to the left. It is something that has always happened to them, in addition to the fact that the Spanish electoral system always punishes minorities.

In Ciudadanos they have insisted in the last stage of the party that they are “liberals” and they look at parties with the same ideology in Germany that disappeared from Parliament and re-emerged even managing to govern, as a model to follow. However, Mertens of Wilmars points out that «We can hardly compare Spain with Germany because Germany has a multicolored political landscape, with the proportional influence that makes it able to disappear and reappear on the political scene. Meanwhile, in Spain, there is a certain crystallization of the two great parties unless there is a major event that makes a movement of citizens become a political party like Podemos was at the time, “so you do not see that it will can make a homologation of both countries on the duration of those parties.

The general secretary of Cs Adrián Vázquez He defended in the last days of the municipal and autonomous campaign that they had not made “mistakes” but the inheritance received from the accumulation of them made a comeback impossible for them. «The blunder of Cs is that of not having had a clear line in terms of political orientations and political action. Both in strategy and tactics» that would have baffled his constituency in general, notes professor of political science and international relations Mertens de Wilmars. He points out that one of the “garrafales” errors attributed to Albert Rivera It was the fact that he refused to enter a government with Pedro Sánchez. Many saw him as the “rescuer” to avoid agreements with Podemos and “He was disappointed that it leaned so far to the right, becoming depersonalized”, point out consulted sources. At the same time, Arrimadas was not forgiven for “abandoning” a territory where he managed to be the constitutionalist party with the most votes, Catalonia. Later would come the motion of censure in Murcia, the attempt to do so in Madrid, the support for the Law of “only yes is yes” by Irene Montero that reduced the sentence of rapists and pedophiles with the internal crisis that it produced, their support for sanchista policies… Something that meant that not even the good management of orange members in the autonomous governments in which they were in coalition was taken into account.

The oratory expert, Fernando Miralles pointed out in an interview in LA RAZÓN that the mistakes that should not be made in the art of the word, especially in politics is the fact of “changing your mind” something drags them down. It is something that, she pointed out, has penalized both Podemos and Cs.

After the orange collapse that erased them from all the regional parliaments where they contested the elections -they only retain one deputy in Castilla y León and one in the Basque Country who did not hold elections- and After the advance of general elections for the next July 23, they have made the decision not to attend. And it is that the only possible option they had for it, Inés Arrimadas was one of the ones who made it clearer that a final debacle could not be reached and that they had to take time. But Can a party that does not have parliamentary representation resurface in a European election?

According to the professor of International Relations and Sociology “In theory it can be” and points out that “in practice it has happened in some countries such as France, Italy and even Germany.” But, he warns that “it is very difficult because there are many connections, too many, between the national and European scenarios.”

In addition, it must be taken into account that, Although they have done a good job in the European Parliament for five years, it is more difficult for it to reach the electorate because it is more disconnected from everything in the EU, although there is still room.

Michavila indicates that “When he is no longer capable of presenting himself in a general one, in a European one it is impossible.” «Cs follows the same trend of all phenomena that grow very quickly. As easily as they grow, they die. In addition, he points out that they are “presidential” parties. Ciudadanos was Albert Rivera and Arrimadas in Catalonia. he has passed to the PRC that, without Revilla, will have died All the others have been personalist parties like Rosa Díaz was, as will happen to Vox with Santiago Abascal or to the party promoted by Macarena Olona.

#center #parties #disappear

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