Idi evolution launches ‘Alfred’, a software for managing dental practices

by time news

Idi Evolution launches ‘Alfred’, the first management software with artificial intelligence for the management of the dental practice, clinical activity and communication with patients. This is the first software – reports the company – designed to manage in an advanced way, using algorithms based on artificial intelligence, all the clinical and extra-clinical processes of a modern dental practice. ‘Alfred’ assists secretarial staff, chair assistants, dental staff and the patient themselves in obtaining the most efficient flow treatment possible.

The software – we read – is born from the comparison of expert clinicians on the most common problems that afflict dental structures: this analysis has made it possible to identify shared paths, aimed at overcoming criticalities and ‘Alfred’ represents the most effective tool for achieving the target. Having codified all the processes, it has incorporated a series of automatic mechanisms that allow staff not to have to deal with certain tasks. It is a management software that suggests you, but also makes you notice important details that could go unnoticed, and in addition it anticipates you to help you in the management of the patient in all areas of the practice.

One of the most transversal and common problems among dentists – explains the note – is represented by difficulty in transmitting to patients the need to give continuity to the treatment plan of an implant-prosthetic intervention through a series of checks aimed at monitoring the state of the implant. Frequently, in fact, the patient who has undergone an operation does not demonstrate consistency in the checks, which on the contrary are indispensable to safeguard the work performed and avoid deterioration of the peri-implant bone. This happens for a number of reasons, often in connection with a superficial knowledge of the subject by the patient, who, out of habit or prejudicial information, believes that an implant inserted can be – in any case – considered definitive, when instead, to guarantee maintenance its duration, it is necessary to undergo routine checks that allow prompt action to be taken to resolve any critical issues.

‘Alfred’, through the functionality of the evolved medical record, responds exactly to this need, allowing the clinician to involve patients in the maintenance process. It is in fact able to collect and analyze data and graphic and photographic materials, offering the possibility to show the patient not only the current state of the work performed previously, but also its trend over time, to then demonstrate -data and infographics to the hand – if the situation worsens or improves (for example the state of hygiene) and allows you to suggest ‘tailor-made’ checks based on the real needs of the individual case.

“With the advanced and digital medical record, clinicians will be able to communicate more immediately with patients, documenting each step accurately. But since we like to think of everything, we also equipped Alfred’s medical record with various functions to share materials on social networks in full respect of patient privacy, because knowing how to tell your work to a reference community can become an excellent marketing tool for studies “, he declares Andrea Piantoni, Chief Innovation Officer of Idi Evolution. “With Alfred we have set ourselves a simple goal: to turn a spotlight on the work of dentists, creating a platform that not only facilitates and facilitates it, but also enhances and exalts it”, he concludes.

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