Galtier “accepts” the whistles against him but judges those who were addressed to Messi “surreal”

by time news

2023-06-04 03:46:48

The Parisian coach took stock at a press conference after the defeat against Clermont (2-3) on Saturday, during the last day of Ligue 1.

The whistles against him : «It’s never fun… But that’s how it is, it’s part of coaching. My case is not the most important. I think the most important thing was to be champion, even if we end on a bad note and a very difficult second half of the season. But being a champion requires a lot of effort and sacrifice. I made sure to work a lot, that’s normal, but also to stay the course in the most difficult moments. I just regret, in this evening which was also an evening of significant support for Sergio (Rico), his wife, his mother, his family and all his relatives, we did not end up with a victory. Then the fans were exemplary in supporting Sergio and the club got it right. I hope this support will bring positive vibes to Sergio, who fights day after day. But my case… it remains my case. I can understand. I accept.

I have nothing else to do but accept because the second half of the season was very difficult. There is a big gap between the first and the second part of the season, where we conceded seven defeats in the league (10 in all competitions, editor’s note). It’s a lot… Afterwards, there are reasons. But I’m not going to talk about it today… I’ll talk about it with my management. But it is also the result of a very harsh media court, which I was able to discover by becoming the coach of PSG, from the start. When there were good times, the praise went to something else. When there were bad ones, lightning fell on me. But I finish this season with a lot of pride because of this title. With my staff, I am very happy that we are champions. After this season, I’m a different man and a different coach because I know what the media court is. It’s part of the job when you’re a coach of a club like Paris Saint-Germain.»

Leo Messi has had a great season.

Christophe Galtier

The whistles against Lionel Messi : «It’s very hard. Like the season, there have been good periods, less good ones… I don’t know why (he was whistled). Maybe in a few days, in a few weeks, I will find an explanation or reasons to understand the treatment reserved for Leo. I have said it throughout the season: Leo has always behaved well, like a great professional, he is the greatest player in the history of football. He has some interesting stats in a season where he played a lot. With this World Cup in the middle. I find it surreal… We decipher his game all the time but Leo has been playing like this for 20 years. He has the art of dribbling, passing, scoring… I insist: Leo has worked throughout the season. There was the Leo of the first part of the season, then this World Cup won (with Argentina). People thought that Leo was going to rest, that he only prepared for the World Cup. No, he was preparing for a great season. With this title of world champion, that of champion of France and best passer in Ligue 1. Leo had a great season. I dare to hope that people, cold, will have a little more lucidity on what Leo could bring this season to the team.»

His future : «This morning, when I woke up very early, my phone vibrated a lot… I wondered what was going on. I read this info (his departure recorded by the management, editor’s note). I did not have an exchange with my president (Nasser Al-Khelaïfi), but I had some with Luis Campos, concerning this “information”. Nothing was said to me, neither confirmed nor denied. I know that I will have a meeting, it’s normal, with my management to take stock of the season and analyze it. Then we will see what the decision of the sports management will be.»

The higher you are, the stronger the blows.

Christophe Galtier

The lessons of the season and the changes to be made : «Changes ? I reserve my analyzes for my management and the chairman. For the rest, any experience is enriching. Coaching is a difficult job. When I arrived in Paris, someone told me this: “The higher you are, the stronger the blows”. It’s like that. But you have to accept the function. It is a very enriching experience. In a few days, in one or two weeks, I will do an analysis concerning myself. Did I do everything right? No, I didn’t do everything right. But there are also things that have been done well and that have been overlooked. It’s part of this great exposure that there is when you are a PSG coach.»

Christophe Galtier and his staff were booed by part of the public at the Parc des Princes. FRANCK FIFE / AFP

His quick start after the trophy presentation : «I did the same thing when we were French champions with Lille, in 2021. I think that when the trophy is awarded, it belongs to the players. It is not shyness but perhaps modesty to let the players celebrate, sing together, shout together. The kiss (sent to the stand) was obviously addressed to my wife, who was present and who supported me enormously throughout the season. This moment of joy belonged to the players, but there is also what you do not see, in the locker room. When we were champions in Strasbourg, I was probably different…»

A regret ? Post-World Cup management.

Christophe Galtier

A regret about the season : «Post-World Cup management. There are things to analyze. It was after that that we had a lot of problems with staff and injuries. It is on this that we must work and surely progress so as not to have such an air pocket at a very important moment for the life of the club.»

Statements taken at a press conference

#Galtier #accepts #whistles #judges #addressed #Messi #surreal

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