EU says it will take ‘firm action’ if Serbia, Kosovo fail to restore calm

by time news

2023-06-04 04:23:18

Violent acts erupted after Kosovar Serbs tried to stop Kosovar Albanian mayors from taking office

EFE/EPA/GEORGI LICOVSKISerbia and Kosovo are in tense moment after election problems

The High Representative for Foreign Affairs of the European UnionJosep Borrell, ordered this Saturday, 3, at Serbia e Kosovo that restore “calm” in the region after the episodes of violence in recent days and warned that the EU is “disposed to apply firm measures” if not. “The violence could have been avoided and must be avoided in the future (…). The European Union stands ready to apply firm measures,” Borrell said in a statement in which he condemned “in the strongest terms the violent acts against citizens, KFOR mission troops, law enforcement and media in northern Kosovo.” Tension erupted last week in northern Kosovo when Kosovo Serb protesters tried to prevent the inauguration of Kosovar Albanian mayors elected in April in an election boycotted by the Serb minority, with a turnout of just 3%. Last Monday, the escalation in the municipalities of Zvecan and Leposavic increased with violent clashes between Kosovo Serb demonstrators and KFOR soldiers – a NATO mission deployed in Kosovo – which left more than 80 injured, 30 of them soldiers.

After the incidents, the Atlantic Alliance decided to send another 700 soldiers to the area. “The European Union strongly supports NATO’s KFOR mission and the EU’s EULEX mission in fulfilling their respective mandates”, added Borrell, who warned that “if tensions are not reduced, there will be negative consequences”. The EU urged “both Kosovo and Serbia to take immediate and unconditional measures to de-escalate” the violence and to “stop using divisive rhetoric and refrain from any other uncoordinated action”, Borrell said. Borrell called on Kosovo to “immediately suspend police operations in the vicinity of municipal buildings in northern Kosovo”. “The mayors will temporarily perform their duties in premises other than municipal buildings. Early elections must be announced as soon as possible in the four municipalities and organized in a fully inclusive way”, said the high representative, who hopes that “Kosovar Serbs will participate in these elections”.

The head of European diplomacy also transferred to Belgrade “the concern with the state of maximum alert of the Armed Forces of Serbia”. “The European Union expects both Kosovo and Serbia to act responsibly and immediately participate in the EU-facilitated dialogue to find a sustainable solution to the situation in northern Kosovo,” he added. Borrell, who has been working intensely for some time for an understanding between Serbia and Kosovo to restore tranquility to the region, met this week, separately, with Kosovar Prime Minister Albin Kurti and Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic. France and Germany urged the Kosovar side to hold new elections “without delay” and Kosovar Serbs to participate in the elections, while the United States warned that the unrest “hinder” the path of these countries in their transatlantic integration. “Calm needs to be urgently restored,” Borrell added in the note.

*With information from EFE

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