Why homeopathy cannot work.

by time news

2019-04-28 09:46:53

Many years ago I read a very interesting detective story. It was one of those “locked room mystery” type stories, which deal with crimes committed in impossible situations, in which no one seems to have been able to commit them, but in general someone has committed them in a very cunning way.

In the story I read, after seeing an acquaintance man open the door with the key and enter an alley room with a heavy cardboard box, the witness hears that once inside the man locks the door from the inside . A few days later, the witness reads in the newspaper that the man is missing. The witness notifies the police and informs them of what he saw. The police go to the premises and verify that the door is still closed from the inside. After tearing it down, they discover the corpse of the man hanging from a noose attached to a ceiling beam. The place is completely empty and has no windows. There is nothing else in it, except for the empty cardboard box, tucked away in a corner, and a trace of moisture under the hanged corpse. Looks like the man urinated while he was dying.

After conducting numerous investigations, the well-known and brilliant detective leading the case concludes that no one has been able to murder that man. No one else had another key. There are no hidden entrances or exits on the premises. The man had to commit suicide, without choice, but how? The cardboard box is empty and there is nothing in the room on which he could have climbed for suicide. The answer is found after analyzing the remains of moisture in the soil. It is not urine, but distilled water. Where does it come from? The detective concludes that it comes from a block of ice that the man carried in the box and that he used to climb on it, hang the rope from the ceiling beam and, after putting it around his neck, kick him away, leaving him without support and condemned to die by drowning. The ice would end up melting and the water would evaporate. Probably, by committing suicide in this way, the man also intended to leave for posterity a mystery that was not easy to solve. He didn’t count on his body being found before the distilled water dried up without a trace, nor on the legendary intelligence of the famous detective who would handle the case.

It is important to mention that the detective does not propose strange ideas to try to solve the case. He does not consider for a moment that a ghost has broken through the walls and committed a murder giving the impression that he is a suicide. He knows, thanks to years and years of experience and solid knowledge, that ghosts don’t exist and killers are people of flesh and blood. They cannot go through closed doors or walls to kill their victims; they must have physical access to them, even if it is only to fire a weapon with certainty of fatality. In conclusion, not all possible explanations of the observed fact are equally valid. There are some that are more sensible than others and, above all, in accordance with what is previously known.

The closed room of homeopathy

The same type of reasoning can be applied to conclude that homeopathy can in no way be responsible for a cure. Nothing cures the patient, because just as the man in the story commits suicide without help, the patient heals himself. There is nothing that can explain that healing otherwise.

Indeed, there is nothing that can explain the cure. Let us remember that homeopathy maintains that a supposedly active principle, which without being diluted would cause symptoms similar to those of the disease, cures those symptoms thanks to the enormous dilutions and agitations to which the principle is subjected, which, by mechanisms still unknown, Thus, they give it a healing power that it did not possess undiluted.

Diluting a substance means increasing the distance between its molecules, separating them by an increasing space that will be occupied only by water. How much space separates two molecules of active ingredient when they are subjected to the dilution procedure most commonly used in homeopathy? This can be calculated and I have allowed myself to do the calculations, which I have repeated several times due to the incredible results. The space that would separate two molecules of a homeopathically diluted substance would be more than a hundred million kilometers, that is, the distance from the Sun to Venus. This means that the homeopathic dilution method literally makes the molecules of the preparation disappear. There is not a single molecule of active principle in it.

Physicians, pharmacists and biochemists also know that for a medicine, made up of molecules of an active principle, to work effectively, it must be administered in a proportion greater than, in general, one million molecules per cell in our body. This is necessary to ensure that the drug safely reaches the molecules in our cells on which it must act. We also know that this is always the case with drugs. These exert an effect thanks to the fact that they access and in fact physically bind to the molecules that are their “victims”. Smaller doses of drugs, that is, a smaller number of their molecules, are not effective because they do not reach all the molecules that must be affected by them.

Faced with this knowledge, a contrasting observation is that after administering homeopathic preparations many of the patients are cured. How can it be? What could have cured them if there is no active substance in the administered preparation? Like the detective in the previous story, we are forced to conclude that the patient has cured himself, just as only the man locked up in the premises ended his life. That many diseases heal themselves is also a well-contrasted observation. Faced with the fact that, even if we take a small homeopathic pill and we are cured, it contains nothing but sugar, we must conclude, even if we don’t want to, that the culprit of the cure must have been our own body.

Despite these rational analyses, based on what has been discovered and confirmed every day by medicine and science, many continue to believe that homeopathy is effective. They are right, but they are not right.

More information in the Jorge Laborda’s Blog.

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