Exercises to Improve Mobility and Balance for Multiple Sclerosis Patients

by time news

2023-06-05 09:38:11

Also exciting: These are the first symptoms of multiple sclerosis > >

Depending on the individual course of the disease and the severity of the symptoms, exercise can help those affected to be as mobile and fit as possible, even with MS. Well-trained coordination skills and a sense of balance are particularly important.

Typical symptoms of multiple sclerosis such as spasticity that restricts movement, ataxia (balance disorders) or tremor (shaking of body parts) can be treated with physiotherapy and occupational therapy. As the German Multiple Sclerosis Society e. V describes, such movement therapy measures serve to improve fine motor skills.

These exercises can have positive effects on MS

Regular training and sport bring those affected by multiple sclerosis more security in everyday life. Due to coordination difficulties due to nerve damage, falls pose a great risk of injury. A stable core and a good sense of balance are therefore important.

Learn more: This is how getting enough sleep in youth can help prevent MS > >

  • Training with the leg press: You can find at least one leg press machine at any good gym. From a seated or lying position, use your legs to push a weighted platform away from you. The focus here is particularly on the thighs, calves and the muscles of the buttocks. Such functional leg exercises to strengthen the muscles are very important for MS sufferers. However, the exercises should be performed on one legso that both legs receive exactly the same training impulse.
  • Balance exercises on vibration platforms or balance boards: There is a wide variety of balance training equipment. Depending on your needs, vibration platforms or balance boards with armrests and holding devices can be used. Ultimately, the exercises are about that purposeful shifting of body weight and to provide stability through small muscle movements. Such exercises strengthen the joints and can prevent falls.
  • Coordination exercises with the swing stick: Swing bars are now part of the standard equipment in the gym. Use the staffs to train your own Coordination and train the core at the same time. Hold the stick with your arm stretched out to the side, stand on one leg and swing the stick vigorously.
  • Go: Regular walking can help strengthen muscles and improve coordination.
  • Yoga: Yoga can help improve flexibility and balance and reduce stress. Light exercises can also be carried out with aids such as blocks and pads to compensate for a lack of muscle strength. At Yoga Easy you will find some guides to excellent yoga exercises for multiple sclerosis > >

#exercises #balance #coordination

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