Christian Perronne and Didier Raoult: two beacons on the night of a pandemic managed by fear

by time news

2023-06-05 17:45:00

THE SHARP OPINION – In sporting language, it is customary to say that “the best defense is attack”. Inspired by this famous formula, learned societies in the medical world have just unleashed, once again, against Didier Raoult. On January 1, 2022, presenting his wishes for “Happy New Year to you all my friends and supporters of the IHU”, the Marseille professor had expressed his conviction that “Reason, our ally, will eventually triumph”. If the triumph of reason is not yet proven, on the other hand the hour of reckoning is approaching “for those who are supposed to manage crises”and this no doubt explains their nervousness.

Funny war, funny leader

Three years ago, after explaining that it was not a virus that was going to prevent us from living and… going to the theater, Mr. Macron assigned the French people to residence, ordered them to wear the mask, inaugurated the “whatever it takes” which would allow his re-election, while – for the first time in the history of medicine! – the instruction was given to the doctors to convince the patients to remain at the bottom of their bed, with for only remedy the Doliprane.

And, when they were on the verge of asphyxiation, they had to dial 15 to reach the emergency or resuscitation services of hospitals lacking personnel and, even more, protective equipment.

Funny warlord. And funny war. But the leader had said it, and repeatedly, in the same speech: “We are at war”. The country therefore went to war with demotivated and disarmed infantry. While a deputy chief, now promoted and holder of the Ministry of the Interior, added: “When the country is at war, we don’t ask questions”. In other words: silence in the ranks, and let not a head stick out!

While the political class complied without difficulty, taking refuge behind the too convenient “We are not doctors”, the capacity for resistance of the French people was to come from the courage of great personalities in the medical world, to whom we did not do it!

If ordinary mortals could wonder why one of the oldest drugs, chloroquine, was surreptitiously withdrawn from prescriptions, when it was on sale in pharmacies until the end of 2019, scientists of world renown then raised the hare by revealing that in China, where the pandemic was born, this molecule had indisputable effects on the disease.

The moment of division

Came the moment that we should never have known: a part of the country, weak in truth, where in accordance with the Hippocratic oath the sick were taken care of and cared for, and another where the sick were left themselves, since city doctors were deliberately left out of the management of the pandemic. In other words, and more seriously expressed, we were in a situation of total breach of equality between the French, literally contrary to our national motto.

At the forefront of the proponents of the care provided to the sick, figured Professor Raoult and his now famous IHU, then Professor Perronne, head of the infectious diseases department of the hospital of Garches, personality having exercised the highest functions, in France in the management of previous epidemics, as well as at the WHO, particularly in the field of vaccines.

Then there were the pro-Raoult and the pro-Perronne, the anti-Raoult and the anti-Perronne. Even if other luminaries from the medical world joined them, it is no exaggeration to say that these two men were the spearheads of the resistance to the refusal of care and, for many French men and women, who suspected that something not very clear was brewing at the top of the State, real beacons in the night.

If, in other times, truly wartime, French people who had chosen not to despair of France were listening to a radio from London, during the three dark years of the pandemic, contemporaries were suspended from Professor Raoult’s weekly videos, as well as interventions – when the media did not rule it out! – Professor Perronne. Yes, they were beacons in the thick fog that the political power cleverly organized in order to maintain a climate of fear and submission. It was free information, but also educational, on the ins and outs of a pandemic managed with cookie-cutter and in panic.

Inevitably, the country, the families, the friendly circles found themselves divided, and all the more so since a President of the Republic, normally in charge of bringing together the French people, had made himself strong in‘”fuck the unvaccinated”... which made him feel good.

Account time

Eyes, admittedly, were opened as the so-called vaccine showed the limits of its ability to solve the equation. But how many medically literate people have refused to admit that a vaccine is designed to prevent the catching and transmitting of a disease, and that one should stop administering it when it causes as many adverse effects, even suspicious deaths.

At the end of the end, and before the hour of reckoning intervenes, the free spirits, the women and the men who have made the effort to inform themselves and to learn, can only pay homage and bring their warm support for the great scientists who have dared to step out of line and challenge the prevailing conformism.

During this pandemic, I have already quoted André Malraux: “It happens, in the end, that the fights are won by those who have not weakened in the darkest hours”.

#Christian #Perronne #Didier #Raoult #beacons #night #pandemic #managed #fear

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