Foreclosures drop in the province of Cádiz

by time news

2023-06-06 07:16:54

According to data from the National Institute of Statistics (INE) A total of 692 foreclosures were initiated and registered in the province of Cádizwhich represents only 11.6% of the procedures opened last year in Andalusia.

Cádiz was the fourth Andalusian province with the highest number of foreclosures initiated in 2022. Seville leads the Andalusian ranking with 1,624 procedures, followed by Almería (1,113), Málaga (801), Cádiz (692), Granada (633), Córdoba ( 436), Jaén (390) and Huelva (227).

Analyzing the types of properties with foreclosures, homes are the type of urban farm in which it is more common to see this type of procedure in the province of Cádiz, specifically with 491 cases.

On the other hand, in 19 rustic farms a foreclosure has started in the province of Cádiz in 2022, and in solar elevenwhile up to 171 cases have occurred in other types of property.

The evolution in Cádiz in recent years has been that of a decrease in this type of procedure. Between the year 2014, the first with data from the National Institute of Statistics, and the year 2022, there is a difference of 3,018 fewer cases.

In 2014, a total of 3,710 foreclosures began and were registered in the province of Cádiz, in 2015 the figure dropped to 3,420, in 2016 the figure was 2,309 cases, continuing the decline in 2017 (1,740), 2018 (1,240) and 2019 (1,051). The year 2021 is the only one in the series collected in the INE with an increase, there were only 62 more cases than the previous year, a total of 738, but 2022 continued with the usual trend and fell again to 692 cases.

The decrease in foreclosures in Cádiz is also evident in the rest of the Andalusian provinces. Malaga is the Andalusian territory with the greatest decrease between 2014 and 2022, with a difference of 5,057 cases, followed by Seville (4,363), while Jaén closes the ranking with a difference of 1,217 cases.

About foreclosure

It is a procedure by which a creditor entity, usually a bank, collects the debt of a mortgage. The bank, or another creditor, may execute the guarantee when the debtor has not taken charge of his contractual responsibilities for a period of time, even going so far as to seize the property and evict it.

In Spain, if a person stops paying up to two monthly mortgage payments, there is no problem, but when the defaults are between three and six monthly installments, the bank initiates a foreclosure process with which it can even claim interest that reaches 20% as a penalty.

The procedure is started by the creditor entity itself, which must file a lawsuit against the debtor in the Court of First Instance of the place where the property is located, and the judge will request a certification of the registration of the mortgage from the Property Registry. .

At the time you obtain cargo certification, sA date will be set for an auction of the property on the BOE virtual auction portalgoing to auction to the highest bidder for the value included in the mortgage deed, and which can never be less than 75% of the appraisal value.

Finally, the new owner of the property will be registered in the Property Registry, who will demand its delivery and possession, while if the previous owner continued in it, a judicial committee would attend that would force him to abandon the property.

#Foreclosures #drop #province #Cádiz

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