Covid, the rules for visiting RSAs You can only enter with the “green pass” –

by time news

Finally, it will be possible to embrace each other, but only with Covid green certification. Health Minister Roberto Speranza has signed an ordinance that regulates visits to the RSA (nursing homes), with immediate validity and until July 30 (read the document). Admission allowed only to visitors in possession of green pass (vaccinated or cured of Covid, or with a negative swab) but the certification, it says, does not replace compliance with the measures to prevent and combat the spread of the infection. Physical contacts are allowed only if both the visitor and the patient have been vaccinated or cured for no more than 6 months. The only exceptions, for example if there is a contraindication to vaccination, must be specified and motivated by the health management of the facility or by the attending physician. The green certificate, valid only for Italy, in force since April 26 and consists of one of the three documents that prove the necessary requirements: having been vaccinated (complete cycle) within the previous six months; be healed from Covid (validity 6 months from the date of end of isolation); have had a negative molecular swab or rapid test no more than 48 hours before.

Psychological and emotional needs

The document attached to the ordinance (Methods of access / exit of guests and visitors to the residential structures of the territorial network) underlines that the planning of visits must consider the conditions of the guest and the visitor, as well as the logistical characteristics of the structure and must also take into due consideration the psychological, emotional, educational and training needs of the guests. Furthermore, the possibility of giving continuity to the support and affective support of the guests through video calls or other forms of remote connection must be ensured.

Ffp2 masks (or higher)

The accesses usually concern no more than two visitors per patient, for a defined duration. It is not recommended to bring children under 6 to the RSA. Strict individual protection measures: the visitor, in addition to sanitizing their hands at the entrance and exit of the structure, must wear an Ffp2 or higher mask. Body temperature is also measured at the entrance. It is not possible to bring in objects or food brought from home, if not in agreement with the structure (but in any case only objects that can be sanitized according to ordinary procedures). Where possible, the guest will also wear protective equipment based on the level of risk (Ffp2 or higher). The visits must be organized in such a way as to avoid gatherings of people – it is specified – e the maintenance of at least one meter of separation between visitors must be ensured (extendable up to 2 meters), with the exception of members of the same family unit or cohabiting or for people who, according to the provisions in force, are not subject to interpersonal distancing.

Scheduled outings and return to the family

I thank the Regions and the Scientific Technical Committee who have worked in harmony with the Ministry of Health to achieve this important result – said Minister Speranza -. It is still necessary to maintain maximum attention and respect the rules and protocols provided, but we share the joy of those who will finally be able to see their loved ones again after the distance necessary to protect them. The document also provides the possibility of scheduled outings and returns to the family for RSA guests. The planned exit – it says – requires specific regulation by the managers, also with regard to the clinical stability of the resident and his level of autonomy and fragility, as well as for specific rehabilitation needs.

Prefer open spaces

For meetings with family members and visitors, specify the ordinance, open spaces and spaces dedicated to the purpose should always be privileged. If the meeting takes place indoors, the structure must identify large and airy rooms, with open windows and doors. Furthermore, adequate distancing must be ensured between visitor and guest and that between different family groups present at the same time, after evaluating the configuration of the external spaces and their surface, in order to calculate the maximum number of admissible visits at the same time, taking care to guarantee confidentiality and intimacy to family members and guests. The separation between the outdoor spaces that can be used for visits and those used for other functions must also be guaranteed, as far as possible.

The measures can be remodeled

The ordinance provides that the measures for the access of family members and visitors to hospitality and long-term care facilities, Rsa, hospices, rehabilitation facilities and residential facilities for the elderly, residential facilities for social and health care, rehabilitation and long-term care and social and welfare residential facilities, may be remodeled, based on the evolution of the epidemiological scenario, even in a more restrictive sense by the medical director or the health authority.

The entry of guests into the facilities

The ministerial document also takes stock of thewelcoming new guests, only allowed in Covid-free facilities. If, on the other hand, there are positive subjects in the hospice, acceptance is allowed only if a clear separation of activities is possible. In facilities with more than 95% of vaccinated patients, new guests (full cycle vaccinated) they are not subject to quarantine on entry n an entry test, but only to periodic screening. New hosts with partial vaccination protection they will be able to schedule the second dose in the facility, they will not have quarantine at the entrance but an initial test and after 7 days and then periodic screening. The new guests not vaccinated, but recovered from Covid for no more than six months, they will have neither quarantine nor tests at the entrance, but at the end of the 90 days a single vaccination dose is scheduled. Finally, new guests who are not vaccinated or cured they will have a 10-day quarantine period, a 10-day entrance test and timely scheduling of the first vaccine dose. In the document it is recalled the obligation of anti-Covid vaccination for all health personnel and operators. For volunteers, animation staff or other occasional activities, the provisions of the green pass (green certification) or attestation (not self-certification) of the same conditions.

May 8, 2021 (change May 8, 2021 | 19:26)


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