Omicron, more than 2 thousand flights canceled worldwide on Christmas Eve due to the new variant

by time news

I am more than 2 thousand flights canceled around the world due to the spread of the new and highly transmissible variante Omicron, according to the data provided by the Flightaware website. In America, where there are 499, 70% of Covid cases are given by the new mutation, like this United Airlines, Delta e Alaska Airlines they have canceled hundreds of flights due to staff shortages. According to New York Times Coronavirus tracker, in America there are 170,000 positives a day, a 38% increase in the last two weeks.

In particular, United Airlines has canceled more than 150 flights and is now committed to getting as many passengers to their destination as possible. Delta has stopped more than 100 flights and Alaska Airlines 17. Same problem in Australia, where more than 500 Omicron cases have been recorded and many line staff members have been identified as “close contacts of positive coronavirus cases, ”line officials said according to the Times.

According to the reconstruction of the American magazine, on Thursday 23 December thousands of people ready to board received the same message that warned them of the cancellation at the last minute of their flight on Christmas Eve. Second Flightaware, we can speak of cancellations on the eve, since starting from the morning of the 24th, globally, they have been eliminated more than 1,600 flights.

United Airlines has released a note, reported by the media, explaining that “Omicron’s direct impact on our flight crews and the people running our operation has led to cancellations. We are really managing this on a day-to-day basis, ”the spokesperson said Joshua Freed. “There may be others cancellations for Saturday, it’s possible”.

(Archive photo)

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