the characteristics, the signals not to be underestimated –

by time news

2023-06-06 13:34:29

Of Danilo Di Diodoro

Recent news events have brought to attention the elements underlying toxic relationships that can lead to even extreme violence, almost always against women

Attention to relations which they develop links of dependence and control. You have to remain vigilant and always try to diagnose the state of your emotional relationship, to avoid being trapped in potentially dangerous situations, as demonstrated the many cases of toxic relationships leading to even extreme violencealmost always against the donne.

Who is the pathological narcissist

it is necessary for women to learn, right from the start first signs, to “diagnose” the state of the couple. Above all, never accept toxic relationships for fear of being alone, she says Victor Lingiardiprofessor of dynamic psychology at Sapienza, University of Rome, author of “Arcipelago N. – Variations on narcissism” (Einaudi, 2021) and “The navel of the dream – A dreamlike journey (Einaudi, 2023), expert on the various forms that can take narcissism, a psychological or psychopathological configuration that has a lot to do with toxic couple relationships. The couple relationship one of the places of maximum expression of pathological narcissisma personality disorder characterized byinability to enjoy the happiness of others, from envious rivalry, lack of gratitude and empathy, continuous search for admiration, conviction of deserving of every privilege, says Lingiardi again. In summary, little interest in the life and feelings of the other, considered as an object to manipulate because it produces gratifications. If then the component is added to the narcissistic personality sadistic, and often paranoid, the need to manipulate the other becomes pleasure in seeing him subjugated. And when this mechanism of domination breaks down – for example because the partner finally decides to withdraw – the need to affirmation of st it can reach violence as the maximum form of control and power.

The malignant narcissist

If the relationship with a grandiose narcissist usually painful, the greatest difficulties and dangers are run in the relationship with a person affected by what is called malignant narcissism. Those who suffer from it, in addition to narcissistic personality disorder, have a tendency to have a anti-social behavior e paranoid thoughtsassociated with a certain sadistic pleasure towards others, which can also translate into real aggression. Indeed the harm received from relationship with malignant narcissists devastating Lingiardi explains. For these people the others are just a tool which serves to support a seemingly powerful, but actually very fragile self-image. The others are just prey to be subjugated. The testimonies of many women show the progressive physical and emotional isolation in which they are forced by the partner, isolation aimed not only at reducing or canceling contact with family and friends, but also at abandoning work outside the home. The goal, in these cases, is to eliminate any possible alternative experience to the relationship. In these couples, the men’s behavior denounces their own dependence: without their woman to control and dominate, they would feel lonely intolerably. Unfortunately, the transition from the perverse relationship to the criminal behaviorso much so that for many psychoanalysts malignant narcissism is a psychological configuration capable of explaining wickedness in its most calculated, dehumanizing, as more and more news stories tell.

The factors at play

Indeed, one gets the feeling that the negative and dramatic consequences extreme forms of narcissism are on the rise, not only due to the media resonance they generate, but also to what emerges from psychological field studies. In this regard, it must be said that any personality disorder the outcome of a bio-psycho-social model, therefore the social part is only a third of the problem concludes Lingiardi. The role played by remains individual temperament but also from the history of each one, from their relationships during personal development. It really takes a lot of elements to get over the unpleasant narcissism of everyday life and get to the malignant narcissism that can intoxicate relationships to the point of violence.

June 6, 2023 (change June 6, 2023 | 1:09 pm)

#characteristics #signals #underestimated

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