It says six not to say six thousand

by time news

2023-06-07 07:31:05

To the far west: Enio Morricone sounds, crosses a steppicursor in low flight, close-up of the brim of a hat and half-closed eyes, the sun is a thousand demons in Moncloa. Six face to face, challenge. One per week. Pedro “El guapo” Sánchez has decided, at this point, that the debates are healthy and democratic. That is why he does not demand one, but six. First blood. That he choose a weapon and godfather, he blurts out to a stupefied Feijóo at the occurrence. The man who turned the appearances through Rajoy’s plasma into exercises in freedom of information, thanks to the highly filtered questions and the press conferences without journalists, has now hit the road. The same one that took four years to hold a debate on the State of the Nation, the one that led more than 300 journalists to sign a manifesto demanding free press conferences, the president who has broken the resolutions of the Transparency Council the most times. The one who has granted eight interviews on the radio and seven of them have been to SER and one to RNE. The one whose television interviews with presenters in favor of the work would have deserved two diamonds in the upper right corner. The one that, taking advantage of the state of alarm due to the covid pandemic, introduced an instruction in an Order of the Ministry of the Interior by which the police forces could monitor and monitor social networks and web pages to avoid social stress caused by false information, being able to close them without requiring the intervention of a judge. That same, now, wants to debate and appeals to transparency. With a pair.

Six face to face with Feijóo, he says. And he asks them, just to ask, that they be in “conditions of neutral moderation, a balance of times and a rule of respect.” No blush. Maybe he doesn’t remember Sánchez, but I remind him of the inelegance of his excessive and immodest use of unlimited time against the very limited time of the opposition leader in the face-to-face meetings held so far in the Senate. Perhaps he forgets the meaning of neutrality, balance and respect. And also, but we will remind him, how bad the replicas make him feel and how little he is given to answering direct requests. He does not remember that when Feijóo insisted on a debate and he finally accepted (which cost him) for the first time, he limited it to the energy issue and opened it up to the rest of the groups. Which in reality is quite similar to refusing a face-to-face, calling anything a debate, even if it is dressed for Sunday. When asking for respect, he forgets that he was the first to lose it to everyone, including citizens. With his repeated lies, his contempt for the transparency law, his use of related media ignoring all the others.

Let the insult be unearthed and respect for democracy be claimed, he says. After scolding the citizens for voting badly and identifying that majority that has not voted for him with an advance of the ultra-right, with a setback in our freedoms. Evil, ignorant or stupid.

Respect for democracy, he says, whoever forgets that it does not aspire to a single thought, but rather that we can live together freely and peacefully having different ideas; the one who has propped up his leadership thanks to the support of separatists and heirs of terror. That it be debated from the data and not from the hoaxes, says the one who insists that Spain is the second country with the most mass graves in the world after Cambodia, when even the expert who signed the report from which the misunderstanding comes has denied it .

What six, he says. Like who says six thousand.


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