An attorney who represented the Tax Authority and stole 16 million shekels was sent to 9 years in prison

by time news

Attorney David Levy won the trust of the Execution and the Tax Authority and took for himself money he obtained from the sale of assets that was supposed to go to the debtors’ portfolios; “Take advantage of the trust … the lack of supervision and disorder in the tax authority,” according to the judge

David Levy represented the Tax Authority as an outside lawyer who was outsourced for about ten years until 2011 in enforcement cases. He sold debtors ‘assets and out of the sale amounts received, he took a burden of about NIS 16 million instead of transferring them to the debtors’ portfolios.

The court ruled that “the defendant’s actions caused chaos in the system” and sentenced him to 9 years in prison and 12 months on probation. In addition, he was ordered to return to the debtors who were harmed by his actions about NIS 364,000 and pay a fine of NIS 300,000 to the state treasury.

Judge Dana Marshak-Marom, who wrote the 100-page verdict, wrote that “the defendant systematically conducted through trustworthy inquiries to the head of the execution and to the tax authorities, asked for approval of each transaction and move and supposedly knew about them, but in most cases simply avoided controversy. The balance. The defendant took advantage of the trust placed in him by the professionals in the tax authority, the lack of supervision and lack of order, when trusting him is one of the reasons for the relatively late disclosure of his actions. “He left the funds uncovered and continued to accumulate fines, interest and linkage, while the authority was obliged to carry out enforcement actions so that the debts would not become obsolete.”

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