The 3 doctors who have promoted organ transplants the most

by time news

2023-06-07 22:00:36

  • Currently there are 442 establishments licensed for tissue procurement, transplantation or banking.
  • Diabetes and hypertension are two of the conditions that cause the greatest organic damage.
  • There are just over 20,000 people registered to receive a donation.

There are issues in which our country is behind with respect to the rest of the world. One example can be seen with the organ transplants. Due to the low interest of the population, the waiting times to receive one are too long and last for months and even years.

According to National Transplant Center (Cenatra) there are more than 20 thousand people registered to receive an organ or tissue. While the most common are those of cornea, kidney, liver and heart.

Organ transplants increase in Mexico

Now, according to José Salvador Aburto Morales, who is director of Cenatra, the first quarter of 2023 was historic. During that period, 636 organ and tissue transplants were performed. In comparison, during the same period in 2022 there were 439, which implies an increase of more than 44 percent.

With this in mind, he highlighted that last year 442 establishments had a license for procurement, transplantation or tissue banking.

The leading hospitals in Mexico

He emphasized that the National Institute of Medical Sciences and Nutrition “Salvador Zubirán” (INCMNSZ) and the General Hospital of Mexico (HGM) “Dr. Eduardo Liceaga”, They are two of the institutions that carry out the most liver transplants. In 2022 they performed 44 and 38 interventions of this type, respectively. While the National Institute of Cardiology “Ignatius Chavez” is a leader in heart transplantation.

The CEO of the Coordination of High Specialty Regional HospitalsCesar Alejandro Arce Salinas, recalled that diabetes and hypertension are two of the diseases that cause organic damage, which can only be cured with a transplant, for which reason adequate and periodic medical control is essential, in addition to avoiding self-medication and smoking.

Arce Salinas pointed out that it is necessary to update the regulatory framework, based on scientific evidence, in order to have a more efficient National Transplant Subsystem that meets the needs of the Mexican population in this area.

The INCMNSZ Hospital Donation Coordinator, Magdalena García Baysa, explained that there is a donation card in which the willingness to donate must be expressed; however, in legal medical cases of investigation for a crime or accident, the intervention of the Public Ministry is necessary so as not to hinder organ donation.

In the logistics of the transfer of organs by donation, they support the Federal Civil Aviation Agency (AFAC), the Cóndores Group of the Secretariat of Citizen Security (SSC) of Mexico City, the “Lightning” Air Rescue Unit of the State of Mexico , as well as airlines and private land transport, so that the organ and the surgical team reach the recipient in a timely manner.

Nationwide Leading Physicians

In the event, awards were given to the general director of the General Hospital of Mexico (HGM) “Dr. Eduardo Liceaga”, Guadalupe Mercedes Lucia Guerrero Avendanodue to the increase in productivity in terms of procurement and transplantation of heart, kidney, liver and tissues.

The head of the INCMNSZ Transplant Department, Mario Vilatoba Chapafor the results in liver transplantation, as well as the representative of the Institute’s Histocompatibility Laboratory, Adriana Arvizu Hernandezfor 35 years of experimentation in tests, to support the donation and transplant processes.

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These are the most performed organ transplants in Mexico

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