Messi finally honest, less class

by time news

2023-06-08 09:08:20

Lionel Messi suffered a lot during his two years at Paris-SG. AFP / FRANCK FIFE

MOOD – The seven-time 35-year-old Argentinian Ballon d’Or confided in his two Parisian seasons in terms lacking a bit of elegance.

Leo Messi in Paris, a commercial success, an oven on the sporting level and… “two difficult yearsfor the principal concerned. The 35-year-old world champion added this last part to the results of his visit to the capital, in an interview with SPORT et Sports world. Quite frankly, his words will surprise no one. But as he did not see fit to express himself in the French media during his two seasons under the Parisian colors, they slam all the more. And they confirm what we already knew: the transplant never took and the “Pulga” will have represented a casting error for Paris, an error of course for him. Moreover, the native of Rosario readily admits that he was forced to take “a hasty decision“during his forced departure from a Barça that he never stopped”to love“. This is why he did not want to wait for the Catalan club to be in a position to recruit him this summer, and why he said yes to Miami: so as not to relive the situation of 2021 and, in hollow, to find themselves in a similar situation in terms of choice.

The Parisian leaders, who bent over backwards to sign him and offered him a considerable salary, at the risk of jeopardizing the club’s financial fair play situation, will appreciate it. “During those two years, I wasn’t happy, I didn’t have fun, and it affected my family life. I missed a lot of my children’s life at school. In Barcelona I was going to look for them, here much less, I shared fewer activities with them. This is also why I am making this decision, to find, in quotes, my family, my children, and enjoy everyday life.“, hammers the sevenfold Ballon d’Or, who leaves with”mixed feelings“. And who forgets to say that he may not have done everything to feel at home in Paris…


Two years in prison?

If he admits that he felt “very, very well, very comfortable in the club, in the city, with my family“during the first six months of the 2022-23 season, after a first year”difficile“, and that his children finally “adapted“in Paris, Messi expected”to a different end. But hey, it’s been two years, which, in general, have been difficult for me, they are behind me“. And no one will complain about it, neither him nor the supporters who whistled him again last Saturday, during the ceremony for the presentation of the French champion trophy. Listening to him, Leo Messi spent the last two years of his life in prison. A little strong of coffee, even if we can understand that he went through complicated times after having had to leave a cocoon in which he had been evolving for more than 20 years, a lifetime. To say that Messi lacks elegance costs us. We know the player he is, his place in the history of football. We can only regret that he came to waste his time and that of Paris-SG, even if the main culprits are in the offices of the Factory and especially in Doha, where we let ourselves be deluded by illusions in him grabbing hold of it two years ago.

Beyond the questions of collective balance induced by his presence on the ground, with Kylian Mbappé who does not defend more than him, Messi was simply too branded by FC Barcelona to fully embrace the Parisian experience. “Beyond the fact that the love is still there and reciprocated, it was a strange feeling to hear him at Camp Nou and not be there.he says of the chants to his glory heard in Barcelona in recent weeks. In Paris, there has never been love. Long live King Messi, far from Paris. Far from Barcelona too, and the management of the Catalan club takes as much, if not more, than PSG in this famous interview…

#Messi #finally #honest #class

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