A film about the impact of psoriasis on mental health

by time news

2023-06-08 08:56:57

Nina is an initiative of the company Almirall and Acción Psoriasis. Through the life of the main character, who suffers from this chronic dermatological disease, we learn about the impact it has on his life. The objective is to inform and sensitize society

Nina, una película sobre el impacto de la psoriasis en la salud mentalImage of the poster for the premiere of the film Nina, on psoriasis / Courtesy photo

The audiovisual work Nina, premiered last week at the Callao cinema in Madrid, focuses its message on the impact that psoriasis causes on mental health.

It recounts the life of an enigmatic fashion designer diagnosed with this pathology, her coexistence with the disease and the consequences in her daily life.

Nina has also had the support of the International Federation of Psoriasis Associations (IFPA) and has had the collaboration of Dr. Eva Vilarrasa as a medical advisor. The direction of the work has been carried out by Dani Torres.

What is psoriasis?

Psoriasis is a chronic autoimmune inflammatory skin disease suffered by approximately 2.3 percent of the Spanish population and some 60 million people worldwide; covers all age groups and geographic areas.

The prevalence of psoriasis in Europe ranges from 0.6% to 6.5%, with an average of approximately 3% of the population.

It manifests as red, scaly plaques that typically appear on the elbows, knees, scalp, and lower back, although they can appear anywhere on the skin’s surface, including the nails.

Psoriasis flare-ups can be unpredictable, with symptoms that vary in severity and duration.

Some individuals may experience mild, localized outbreaks, while others may experience more extensive and persistent manifestations.

The impact of psoriasis on a person’s quality of life should not be underestimated, as it can cause physical discomfort, itching, pain and even psychological distress due to the visible nature of the disease.

In addition to its visible symptoms, psoriasis is associated with various comorbidities that can significantly affect general health and well-being.

People with psoriasis are at increased risk of developing diseases such as type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, kidney disease, hypertension, and psoriatic arthritis.

The relationship between these diseases and psoriasis is not yet fully understood, but underscores the importance of comprehensive healthcare for psoriasis sufferers.

Fortunately, the promoters of this audiovisual work point out, there are treatments to control psoriasis and alleviate its symptoms.

The therapeutic approach can vary depending on the severity of the disease, ranging from creams and
topical ointments to systemic medications, phototherapy and biologic treatments.

Psoriasis and impact on mental health

The physical symptoms of psoriasis can lead to disorders such as depression and anxiety.

88 percent of people with psoriasis claim to experience negative effects on their mental and emotional health, a quarter show signs of depression, and 48 percent anxiety disorders,

More than 7 out of 10 people with psoriasis consider that the disease negatively affects their daily activities (personal, social and work life) and their well-being.

discussion about psoriasis

Following Nina’s presentation, Almirall organized a panel discussion on the impact of psoriasis on mental health.

“The creation of audiovisual content helps us to raise awareness among the general population and also helps other patients to improve their quality of life by acting and taking charge of their disease together with their health professionals”, highlighted the director of Psoriasis ActionSantiago Alfonso.

For his part, Ignasi Martí, Director of International Relations at Almirall Iberia, stressed: “The impact of psoriasis goes beyond the obvious severity of skin lesions, it is a disease that alters all aspects of daily life of the people who live with her and that of her direct environment”.

“Through Nina we want to give visibility to the symptoms that tend to go unnoticed by the general public, but that have a huge impact on the quality of life of patients”, added Ignasi Martí.

Discussion on psoriasis after Nina’s presentation/Courtesy photo

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