Meet Hanan Al-Omari, the Saudi Woman Who Invented a Bracelet for Kidney Failure Patients to Relieve Their Pain: June 7, 2023

by time news

2023-06-07 17:20:05

image copyright Twitter @abd_ml1

The name of Saudi Arabia, Hanan Al-Omari, topped the talk of the pioneers of social media platforms, after the story of its innovation spread, which is a “bracelet” that serves patients with kidney failure and relieves their suffering with pain.

Hanan Al-Omari challenged her suffering with kidney failure, which she contracted at the age of 13, before she underwent a kidney transplant recently, after which she aspired to register a new invention in her last year of study at the university, which serves people with kidney failure.

Al-Omari told her story in a video posted by the Saudi activist and launcher of the “Inspired” initiative, Abdul Rahman Al-Mutairi, on the Twitter platform, which highlights the unique youth achievements and innovations.

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Hanan Al-Omari says that she was forced to drop out of school for five years after discovering that she had kidney failure, because she was doing dialysis at a rate of four sessions per week, each session taking about four hours.

#Hanan #AlOmari #Saudi #woman #invents #device #helps #patients #kidney #failure

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