Urssaf will strengthen its workforce to fight against undeclared work

by time news

2023-06-08 18:52:28

The means deployed by Urssaf to fight against undeclared work will increase “very significantly”, announced this Thursday the management of the body responsible for collecting contributions financing the social protection system. Urssaf promises to have 240 additional positions by 2027 to fight against hidden work, through recruitment and reassignment. “It is still a very significant increase and which has never been achieved in these proportions,” underlined Yann-Gaël Amghar, the director of Urssaf.

The organization has just renewed its objectives and management agreement with the State for the years 2023 to 2027. The figure of 240 posts is to be compared to some 330 posts already assigned to the fight against undeclared work out of 1,700 posts devoted to controls more generally.

Microentrepreneurs in the sights

These new staff are part of the strategy to strengthen the fight against social fraud presented last month by the government. After the Court of Auditors advocated a “change of scale” in the fight against social fraud, Bercy promised to recruit 1,000 FTEs in the Social Security funds by 2027 to tackle this scourge, i.e. a 20% increase in dedicated staff.

Of the 240 additional Urssaf positions, some 40 will be devoted to regularizing the situation of microentrepreneurs, such as drivers and delivery people working via Internet platforms. These workers tend to under-declare their activity, but Urssaf intends to get them back on the right track by cross-referencing activity data declared to taxes and Internet platforms.

Focus on stake fraud

This regularization operation, a prelude to the establishment of a system of deduction at source of workers’ contributions by the platforms planned for 2027, should make it possible to recover 200 million between 2023 and 2027, assures Urssaf.

The organization also intends to significantly increase the amount of sums rectified within the framework of controls, in particular by strengthening its action on “fraud at stake” and by being more effective against short-lived companies.

Very strong progress in turnarounds

The adjustments are supposed to go from 3.5 billion euros over the past five years to 5 billion euros over the next five. Knowing that 8 billion euros in social security contributions would now be evaded each year with informal work.

Last year, Urssaf made some 788 million euros in adjustments for undeclared work, a large part of which was in the construction sector. The adjusted amount is equivalent to the cost of nearly 163,898 deliveries and 15.7 million consultations with the general practitioner, Urssaf points out.

The amount of adjustments for 2022 is very slightly lower than that for 2021 (-0.17%) but it reflects “very strong progress over the long term”, insisted Yann-Gaël Amghar. In 2013, the amount of the adjustments was only 291 million euros.

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