Europe and Latin America: a new agenda full of doubts

by time news

2023-06-09 01:13:43

Valdis Dombrovskis, Josep Borrell and Juta Urpilainen presenting the new strategy in Brussels.

Mirra Banchón

Brussels launches a new strategy to revitalize its relationship with Latin America and the Caribbean. However, there are many dark areas that generate doubts among different actors.

Modern trade agreements, investments for the green and digital transformation and a lot of dialogue between the European Union y Latin America and the Caribbean: that is what the new strategy that Brussels launches this week proposes to revitalize its ties with the New Continent and ensure the raw materials that Europe needs.

“We want a 360-degree approach that contributes to improving the regulatory framework for companies, that generates education and training for citizens,” explained Juta Urpilainen, European Commissioner for International Associations, at a press conference. A memorandum of understanding is in preparation with Chile y Argentinakey countries in terms of raw materials.

In this regard, “civil society’s response is clear. ‘Due diligence’ has to regulate companies and trade agreements must have more developed internal mechanisms that allow us to assess the impacts on sustainability,” Marta Ibero, executive director of the EU-LAT Network, a platform for 40 civil society organizations from twelve European countries. “But in the event that there is non-compliance, what are the mechanisms to denounce and sanction?” She questions.

Pressing for the closure of the commercial agreement with Mercosurand the modernization of Chile and Mexico, the proposal of the European Commission includes both cooperation in security and in human development, health and education. Are these proposals really new?

“Yes, there are news on issues such as transitions,” replies the representative of the EU-LAT Network. “However, taking into account how relations between Europe and Latin America and the Caribbean have developed so far, it seems to us that the issue of inequality should be the central axis. This has a lot to do with the investment agenda that the EU intends with its Global Gateway”, says Ibero, focusing on the possible lack of accountability mechanisms. “How do you plan to involve civil society? Who and how is going to evaluate the impact of the investments?», she raises.

The crime issue

It is a moment of crisis on both continents, but in Latin America and the Caribbean it is being aggravated by the economic effects of the pandemic, the social gap, political instability and organized crime. Is this sufficiently taken into account in the new proposal?

«The high levels of violence and inequality, which feed each other, are aggravated by the increasingly important role of drug trafficking and its influence on the political weakness of some countries, and that makes the situation in Latin America more worrying. », Josep Borrell, High Representative for Foreign Policy and Security of the EU, responded to DW at a press conference.

The issue will be on the agenda of the SummitUE-CELAC of July, assured Borrell, who highlighted the cooperation efforts in customs control and police and justice training.

There are also questions to be answered here: «Does this cooperation, through financial institutions, not contribute to actors or entities linked to human rights violations or illegal association? It is necessary to make a review of these funds and the pending aid ”, warns Ibero.

listening would be innovative

“To renew the partnership with Latin America and the Caribbean, the EU must guard against repeating the pattern that has led to widening the gap between rich and poor, destroying the Amazon and nurturing a deeply entrenched culture of privilege,” he told DW Hernán Sáenz, coordinator of Oxfam. “For this, it is key to listen to what people need,” adds the expert.

In any case, the new strategy speaks of a “vibrant association of people for the people”, with a view to intensifying existing programs in student and scientific mobility, as well as civil society networks and their protection.

“A very key issue is the closure of spaces with attacks on human rights defenders and journalists, a problem that also occurs in Europe,” recalls Ibero. “We would like to know if the funds that would be used to protect and promote these values ​​are linked to Global Gateway investments and if they are linked to the proposals of local actors. The latter would indeed be an innovation », she concludes.


#Europe #Latin #America #agenda #full #doubts

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