BODY OF CHRIST | BLOG RED : Sport Club Internacional

by time news

2023-06-08 15:03:24

When I was a kid, my mother’s dream was to see me as an altar boy at the masses of Padre Gentil, who once a month would cross that back field to bring a little of the word of salvation to the pagan people. His eagerness to see me in a tunic like that seems to have surfaced even more after the simple chapel gave way to an imposing church (it was for that corner), the result of donations from all the people. The church, by the way, is still there today. Keep it simple, but very pretty. Not just anyone inside the interior has stained glass windows like that.

The problem is that I had no vocation for that. Unfortunately, I grew old having my disagreements with the man upstairs, I enjoy my own faith and we understand each other that way, sometimes very well and others not so much, but we understand each other and that’s what matters. But I’ve never been a manual religious, that’s the truth. And still young, with a mind teeming with news and movement, being an altar boy was not in my plans, even if it was to please my lady mother.

And Padre Gentil, a good soul demystified from the rigors of the church at the time, knew that my world was different and never captivated the dream of his most fervent blessed. In other words, I grew up without having had the honor of being an altar boy, much to my mother’s dismay. My path was another. And the horizon too.

A team to be champion has to have a high faith, not only in the abstract sense, but mainly, in the concrete. Faith that it is possible, that a victory can be sought until the last minute or be guaranteed until the last seconds of the match; that it is always possible “a little bit more” in the eternal words of the eternal Fernandão. Of this faith, let’s face it, the Internacional team does not suffer. Nor has he shown that he will be able to reach a high degree of spirit to the point of making peace with God in time to be graced with the glory of some title. Your path looks different. And the horizon too.

We evolved tactically, perhaps. I’m going to put it on conditional, since my good dose of black humor last week many didn’t understand. Perhaps (again), it was Internacional’s most solid game away from home (perhaps of the year), which is of no use when, there at the end of the lights, the team once again succumbed to the lack of faith in itself and surrendered the brown sugar, let victory slip through his hands. Maybe it’s an exaggerated optimism, my faith even in wanting to see something positive in the team, which did repeat many of its shortcomings from the season, yet.

Despite being forward for that time, kind of contrary to the radical positions of the church at the time, Padre Gentil – however, never made an exception when it came to communion. He did not receive the Body of Christ who did not go to confession with a certain regularity or who visibly did not respect the commandments of the Holy Church. At that time, those who played to lose or at most were content with a draw – in life, they did not win the host of absolution from the Pope’s Vicar.

It is undeniable, therefore, that seeing the Colorado of today play, the Father would leave Mano Menezes out of his flock of salvation. By the way, certainly the Inter team would not leave Padre Gentil’s confessional without a heavy penance. Nor, at Mass, would he receive the consecrated host so soon.

Only without the Body of Christ this team will die pagan. Team without ambition is doomed to live (and die) pagan. Sinners shall not pass!


– The coach must be guilty of the sin of disgracing the team in the second stage. There is no other explanation;

– Nothing against Christ’s athletes, but Wanderson has to know that a football player doesn’t live on blessings alone. God punishes the careless;

– Three defenders and the same number of defensive midfielders to concede a header goal (plus one) in the penultimate minute of the game. What a loser sign, please;

– And I, who already praised Gabriel Mercado here, slept with my tongue all scratched. He has anvil tied to his legs;

– German after the confession with the Vicar would be at this hour kneeling in the corn;

– With the permission of the friends of BV I will be away the following week. I’ll have to go on an old man’s journey with an old bunch with depressing old man talk. But, the woman decided that she wants to go and I obey because I have good sense;

– Much less tolerant than Padre Gentil was, I would have excommunicated many people in Beira Rio in possession of the cassock. Hell being red, I bet most people wouldn’t even think it was bad;


What would the Vicar say, if he could, after Colorado’s confession?

Have faith People of Inter. Have faith!


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