From the LancetGate to the certification of data on hydroxychloroquine: a look back at the scandal of the abandonment of an effective anti-Covid-19 treatment

by time news

2023-06-09 14:00:00

SCIENCE/MEDIA – Three years have passed since the LancetGate. This affair is undoubtedly one of the most massive falsifications in the history of scientific research. Published at the end of May 2020 in the prestigious journal The Lancet, this “scientific” study turns out to be a vast fraud.

Built entirely on data including the grotesque character is soon apparent, murkily funded with millions of dollars and involving a former porn star (Ariane Anderson, alias Skye Daniels), it achieves its goal surreptitiously: to discredit a promising treatment for cancer around the world. Covid-19 and discourage its use.

Public Enemy #1

It is hydroxychloroquine (HCQ). This molecule, well known for its antimalarial effects and proven antiviral properties, has been used for more than half a century, on all continents, on a large scale.

Without notable side effects, in the public domain and therefore inexpensive, easy to produce, it nevertheless became because of a bogus study, which assimilated it to a potentially fatal toxic product, the black sheep of the pharmacopoeias.

How is it possible ? We must first note the central role of the “mainstream” media which, blind or not wanting to see, have not carried out any verification of use. The fake news is broadcast in heavy rotation. We must then wonder about that of governments, health authorities or even certain learned societies.

Indeed, while a solution at hand appears to limit the deleterious effects of an epidemic, politicians, health officials and sometimes specialists very often linked by conflicts of interest with the pharmaceutical industry literally hastened to find a pretext to condemn it.

Is it for them to make room in order to promote another way out of the crisis? In this case, that of the vaccine, which was neither available nor tested at the time. Benefiting from early treatment would greatly harm the establishment of an “all-vaccine”, which is particularly lucrative for the pharmaceutical industry.

Regression of care medicine

The damage is done. The World Health Organization (WHO) is ending “as a precaution” ongoing clinical trials to gauge the effectiveness of hydroxychloroquine.

In France, the Minister of Health, Olivier Véran, does not reconsider his error after having seized the High Council of Public Health (HCSP): the two scientific studies launched in France in order to demonstrate the effectiveness of HCQ, one of which already shows fewer deaths with this one than with the control treatment, are abruptly interrupted.

It is no longer possible to treat Covid outside the hospital with hydroxychloroquine, even once the LancetGate sham is confused, as of June 2020. A former escort from Nevada was more effective in her communication than several internationally recognized specialists in their disciplines… The difference? A few million dollars.

Care medicine is experiencing a terrible regression. She finds herself deprived of a proven means of treating patients. Practitioners who risk it are hunted down by their Orders. Public opinion is scared. Nothing will be able to counterbalance this false news disseminated and taken up internationally: hydroxychloroquine is the cause of a double-digit lethality rate in patients.

Before possibly changing their minds, all around the world, health authorities equivalent to the ANSM (the National Agency for the Safety of Medicines and Health Products), are calling for studies with a methodology as long as it is tedious, “randomized , double blind.

This is the favorite of the pharmaceutical industry: financed at a high price, no one can compete on its ground, which does not prevent it from revealing numerous biases.

Neglected evidence of efficacy

In the field of care, on the other hand, a retrospective study provides firm and definitive proof of the effectiveness of treatment with hydroxychloroquine against Covid-19.

It was produced thanks to a French research and care establishment: the IHU-Méditerranée. Based on data from the medical records of some 30,000 patients treated for two years by Professor Raoult’s teams, the positive results are indisputable: hydroxychloroquine works, even without recourse to a macrolide-type antibiotic – which constitutes a “surprise”, according to Didier Raoult.

Conclusion of the study: HCQ partly prevents deaths linked to Covid-19.

This result is not without political, economic and social consequences. As stated in the study, which has since been withdrawn following political threats against its authorsduring pandemic health crises, the financial stakes are enormous.”

Indeed, the belief in the absence of a mobilizable treatment – the refusal to see it – led to extreme measures from the Middle Ages, with confinements which scuttled the economy. The management of the health crisis has cost the whopping 400 billion euros in France.

At a loss? Confinements do not show efficacy. And if a treatment for Covid-19 was possible, what was the point of making a decision that cost so much money and had a serious impact on the mental health of young people ?

This controversy has already started across the Channel with the LockdownFiles scandal and the revelation of exchanges within the English executive. These show the perfect awareness of the authorities of the uselessness of confinements and their deleterious effects on children.

“We could reduce mortality”

As expressed by Professor Raoult during a Debriefing for France-Evening (26/05) : “Among those under 50, if we treated people, we would not die of the Covid”. But then, why lock everyone up? Who is responsible for this decision? Who refused to face the data and the solutions?

This data, which has become sensitive, has been certified by a bailiff and secured on two servers, one in the United States, the other in China. The Marseille professor explains: “There are a lot of people who feel concerned and guilty in this story. Confining the population that has not served to preserve the population… If hydroxychloroquine had been used, since it is effective, thousands of lives could have been saved. “The stakes are high”, said Raoult. “We could reduce mortality. In any case, if this treatment had not been “sabotaged from the start”.

Raoult affirms it, “there must be a parliamentary commission which finds out whether this is true or false.” According to the study, “the public sharing of anonymised databases, guaranteeing the possibility of verifying them, should be mandatory in this context to avoid false publications.” This would prevent a new LancetGate in the next pandemic…

Since the May 26 interview for France-Soir, Professor Raoult and the IHU-Méditerranée have been attacked by a platform published in The world, delivered by sixteen learned societies crippled by conflicts of interest. It relaunches the charge against HCQ, a treatment that is nevertheless effective against Covid-19. As in the days of LancetGate, the problem is the lack of investigation and verification by mainstream media.

But today, the challenge is no longer to prevent large-scale treatment of the sick. This time, it is a question of definitively scuttling the very concept of emergency medical care, in France and in the world.

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