science and innovation for sustainable development

by time news

2023-06-10 00:29:01

The entity issues a document in which it claims them as a transversal strategy of the Government

He Mallorca Economy Circle has issued a document in which it claims science, technology and innovation, known in the singular as the CTI, so that they are the engine of sustainable development in the Balearic Islands. For the entity, “the CTI should be present in a transversal way throughout the Government’s strategy and be led from the highest level of governance through dialogue with all economic, social and environmental agents”.

The Cercle highlights that “STI is the key factor that will allow the transformation of the economic, social and environmental development of the Islands through economic diversification, the creation, attraction and retention of talent, and internationalisation”. In this sense, the Cercle d’Economia, through its CTI commission, proposes a set of measures that “should be assumed by the whole of society and especially by the governments of all our institutions”.


Thus, the entity proposes, among other measures, to define a CIT strategy for the Balearic Islands until the year 2035, which should in turn be defined by a Social Pact for Science, Technology and Innovation drawn up by all political parties and the economic, social, academic and institutional agents. The Cercle identifies the Government and the rest of the administrations as “the actors that must exercise leadership in this matter, although they must also guarantee public-private participation, with relations between the different regional agents and collaborations in networks and national and international organizations”.

The entity recalls that, for all these objectives, there must be “a balanced development both in the endowment of resources and infrastructures and in the budget”. In any case, he adds that “it would be necessary to look for formulas that encourage private investment in STI based on incentives such as patronage, tax benefits or innovative public purchasing, which allow reversal in reindustrialization processes. Likewise, the legal certainty of the processes must be guaranteed and administrative procedures simplified. Finally, the Cercle d’Economia points out that “the CTI must be present in the legislative development of all areas of the Balearic Islands to guarantee its inclusion at all social levels, as well as participation”.

the note

UIB, FP, educational system and research centers

#science #innovation #sustainable #development

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