Heaviest Dengue Fever Outbreak in 3 Years: Ministry of Public Health Launches Campaign to Prevent Getting Sick and Dying

by time news

2023-06-10 01:00:00

Saturday, June 10, 2023, 6:00 a.m.

heaviest in 3 years

Ministry of Public Health warns of ‘dengue fever’

This year, I’ve been sick for 1.8 thousand.

Accelerate alliances

Campaign to stop getting sick/death

aiming to use the new vaccine to fight

The Ministry of Public Health is concerned about the heaviest dengue fever outbreak in three years, with severe cases and increasing deaths, joining forces with Bangkok and 9 alliances to launch a campaign “Move to Thai Society”. Not getting sick and dying from dengue fever” reveals that 18,000 people have been sick this year, worried about the Thai people’s landscape, stated for 60 years, never won, can only slow down, clarify that dengue vaccines are rarely effective because 4 strains are not covered, revealing that there is a new vaccine from Japan

Waiting for FDA registration to continue studying, using, controlling and preventing. “Mo Yong” warns to keep an eye on July-October number of patients soaring Emphasize that we must help destroy the breeding grounds for Aedes mosquitoes.

On June 9, 2023 at The Hall, Bangkok, Dr. Opas Karnkawinpong Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Public Health The opening ceremony of the ASEAN Dengue Day 2023 under the concept of “stepping into Thai society Not sick and die of dengue fever “(Moving Forward to Zero Dengue Death) in collaboration with Bangkok Metropolitan Administration and 9 partners: Kao Industrial (Thailand) Co., Ltd., Takeda (Thailand) Co., Ltd., Embassy of Japan in Thailand, CP All Public Company Limited), National Electronics and Computer Technology Center (NECTECH NSTDA), Industrial Estate Authority of Thailand, Amata Corporation Public Company Limited, Memorandum Group Collaboration Dengue-Zero and Advanced Info Service Public Company Limited to join the campaign to prevent – knowingly. Against death from dengue fever Which is expected to be the worst outbreak in the past 3 years, with a total prize money of 100,000 baht to the winners of the creative media contest “ASEAN Dengue Day Contest 2023” held for the first year

Dr. Opas said that dengue fever has been an emerging disease in Thailand since 1957 before it developed into an endemic disease that is a major public health problem in Thailand and ASEAN. In the past 60 years, we have never won. There is only a delay in deaths to decrease. with the development of medicine For this year, dengue is worrisome. Because we have not been infected for many years, the immunity that used to be against dengue fever will be reduced. This year, therefore, there is a high risk that there will be a high number of dengue fever patients in both ASEAN and Thailand. According to a survey of Aedes aegypti larvae in schools, religious places, communities, factories, it came out that there were 2-3 times more Aedes aegypti larvae than last year, causing the number of mosquitoes to increase as well. More likely to bite people and spread the virus to more people

The Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Public Health further said that from January to May 2023, Thailand had 18,173 cases, 4.2 times more than last year, the highest outbreak in three years, and 15 deaths, an average of 900 cases per week, with 1 death per week. cases found the highest sickness rate in Bangkok, southern and central regions, with students aged 5-14 years getting the most sick, followed by the 15-24 year old group.

However, all provinces are at risk of having to control mosquito larvae. From the number of patients who are considered critical or not. During the year we had a lot of dengue patients, about 1.5 hundred thousand people. This year, it’s still not considered critical. But this year, Thai people have less resistance to dengue fever. There is a chance of getting seriously ill and dying this month, so you must not be careless. and cooperate Because dengue fever spreads seasonally, ie, during the rainy season, June is the rainy season, when the number of infected people and deaths is higher. And there will be a high epidemic for 3-4 months from now, we have to help each other campaign to control and prevent dengue fever from this month onwards.

Dr. Opas said that the worrying thing is that there is currently no antiviral drug to treat dengue fever. directly from the dengue virus protection is therefore important How to avoid being bitten by mosquitoes and reminded that the early stages of dengue fever Diagnosis is not easy. because the symptoms are similar to other diseases If the symptoms are not followed up or observed, the treatment will be delayed. There was violence and eventually death. Early diagnostic measures and self-observation are therefore important. While each house should inspect mosquito larvae and help each other get rid of them. including the community

Dr. Opas said that the Ministry of Public Health has implemented 3 strategies to reduce dengue fever: 1.Rebrand campaign to prevent the disease. Adjust the image of government agencies with proactive policies. Starting with taking care of yourself and 3.Reconnect joining forces with government and private sectors. Raise innovations to create cooperation in preventing deaths from dengue fever.

The dengue vaccine was released 10 years ago in the market and used in the Philippines. It was found that the experiment might work well. But used in the field did not work well. The use of vaccines has both benefits and precautions. Now is a good opportunity to have a new generation of vaccines from Japanese companies. We will continue to monitor the information and begin taking appropriate action. The Department of Disease Control is working on this matter. Which must go through the process of testing and actually applying and re-evaluating in order to benefit Thailand as much as possible

asked about the key factors that prevented the dengue vaccine from being as effective as it should have been Dr. Opas said Because there are 4 main types of dengue fever When developing vaccines, all 4 types of vaccines are required to be developed, therefore it is difficult. In addition, the nature of dengue fever when first infected is usually not very severe. It becomes severe when infected twice by a different strain. When people who have been vaccinated, some people have been infected once. Once vaccinated, it was like a second booster. sometimes making the symptoms more severe It’s the difficulty of each type of vaccine. Unlike COVID, which is still the only major strain, prevention is easier.

When asked if the new Japanese vaccine will be studied in the pilot area to see its effectiveness as well or not, Dr. Opas said that the Department of Disease Control already has a method. Will continue to communicate details on how to start operations Currently, the vaccine has not been registered with the FDA. FDA already, it can be used. But to be useful in terms of disease control or prevention, it must be a long time to continue.

On the same day, Dr. Yong Phuwarawan, Head of the Center, specializes in clinical virology. Department of Pediatrics Faculty of Medicine Chulalongkorn University Post a message on Facebook that reads, “Dengue fever will spread in cycles this year.” Dengue will spread a lot every year, every 1-3 years. A large wave of outbreaks occurred before the outbreak of COVID-19 in 2019 and omitted during the outbreak period. Because we stay at home a lot, close schools, have a lockdown. Less travel, less spread. However, the dengue season will be higher in July to October, so in order to reduce the spread of the disease, everyone must help each other. Reduce the spread of mosquitoes. destroy mosquito breeding sites as much as possible and protect yourself from mosquito bites This will reduce the spread of the disease.

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