Hugo Chávez: his North is the fight

by time news

2023-06-08 19:31:51

Making popular struggles around the world visible was a kind of obsession of Hugo Chávez. It was not an inspiration of messianic philanthropy or a conjuncture occurrence, it was the result of many experiences in battle that, from the bases, understood their own impotence and that of others, of fighting isolated and with hindered solidarity. Megaphone in hand, stirring consciences in the public squares and clamoring for revolutionary actions, Chávez matured a form of internationalist integration based on empowering the people with communication tools. That is the seed that saw TeleSur grow towards the Organized Communicational Community.

All the objectives of Chávez and the Bolivarian Revolution, without missing a single one, found a place on the vanguard’s agenda mass media called TeleSur. Communication strategy to defend and counterattack. Internationalist policy of direct communication that foresees a semiotic program for the development of new languages, with internationalist communication professionals, multicultural, multi-thematic and interdisciplinary programming… media struggle, with a global reach, armed with non-alienated ideas. For this reason, a group of countries quickly joined Chávez’s plan. Latin American integration will only be possible if it deploys communication tools because that is, without a doubt, one of our greatest political weaknesses.

Such an obsession was consolidated as an internationalist communication policy to face, face to face, indifference, ignorance and the plans of the empire to demoralize, disorganize and dismember us. Of course, it was not easy or quick to establish a position in a scenario of unrestricted media warfare, opposing it from a regional perspective, a politics of diversity, of journalism with humanistic ethics with social responsibilities. A strategic and tactical place to ensure a new world communication order for One world with multiple voices. In practice. The “octopus” of media monopolies that moves across the entire continent has a hysterical bourgeois head with neo-fascist delusions. It has already been denounced by thousands of voices and in all tones, including Chávez’s. We are at the heart of a symbolic war that capitalism finances… even inside our heads.

A simultaneous challenge was seen from the first hours of the international integration plan, supported by communication tools, was to sustain the debate against the dominant monopoly power and the construction of new, alternative, community and independent currents. The construction of a new voice that is the cry of all social struggles, in “real time”, while modeling new narrative, aesthetic and communication directions. Thus, the integration of the peoples should be made visible on the screens won regionally to give rise to all the struggles that express the democratic will of the peoples. In the arts, sciences, culture and politics. You fight in ideas as much as in factories and crops.

make no mistake. The best ideas tend to suffer the worst attacks and Latin American integration, and with it TeleSur, have not been exceptions. Nothing has been easy and the criticism of others has often been as unfair as the endogenous criticism of some exquisite and sectarian fronts. The crudest and most inhumane version consists of imposing economic sanctions that not only threaten the operation of the most important projects, but also affect the fundamental rights of humanity, especially the right to free information and communication enshrined in a wide variety of international conventions. and diplomatic agreements. But practice says otherwise and TeleSur suffers all the oligarchic injustices.

Hugo Chávez did not imagine just a television platform for the integration of peoples. He thought of a much broader system, which included Radio del Sur, the Internet of the South, the New Cinema of our towns, a network of highways and roads, a rail, maritime and air network of the South, and a currency (the sucre) for that the great homeland advance in its economic and cultural independence. Inseparable. Everything to know that we are not alone in our battles, that there are battles everywhere with unequal and combined progress, that unity and the multiplication of forces are essential to us and that it is impossible to develop if we ignore each other. All this so admirable idea also had unknown hatreds.

Today it is crucial to defend what we have achieved and make sure we perfect it. TeleSur needs everyone’s participation, not to make silly comparisons, but to promote the diversities of their own voices. Of course, improve everything and widen the space for an internationalist praxis of a communication revolution against all blockades, against alienation and towards a new order of communication and information. Without extenuations and without euphemisms.

We are talking about a world revolution in the production of communication capable of being new because it is collective, democratic and revolutionary. Capable of learning to add voices and make with them a powerful story against lies and, mainly, consolidate a production method in which it is the multipolarity of points of view that builds fortresses in the unified fight for the truth and against Capitalism common enemy of the human species.

It is of little use to remember Chávez without remembering him as passionate about communication with whom we once imagined, also, the creation of an International University of Communications that is today a growing reality. Remembering Chávez is essential to keep alive the program of structural and superstructural transformations with which he fed a good part of his daily actions, even in international forums, and not as a purely “academic” idealistic problem, nor as a purely “decorative” theme. He understood that communication today is a problem of national security and international security. Ignoring it is dangerous. What do we do?: organize immediately.

Taken from The Conference

Cover photo: Taken from Albaciudad

#Hugo #Chávez #North #fight

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