Beware of drop-by-drop loans! This is what you should know | PNP | Colombia | Peru

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2023-06-10 20:12:32

Criminal mafias have spread terror in Peru with the dangerous drop-by-drop loans. But what are they about, how do they work and what care should I take into account? In this note from EL TIEMPO we tell you more about this crime. Pay a lot of attention!

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How many times have you been given cards and/or flyers or have you come across posters posted on the walls or poles offering instant loans? If it is more than once, you should avoid resorting to these “services”, as you could be a victim of extortion or, in the worst case, a hit man. Because? Below we provide you with the details.

What are “drop by drop” loans in Peru?

According to him Ministry of Interior (Minister)Drop-by-drop loans are loans, worth the redundancy, that offer easy, fast money and without paperwork. Although initially they turn out to be very attractive, you must be very careful, since it has excessively high interest, which makes it impossible to pay.

In that sense, it is a informal modality executed by criminal mafias using violence and extortion against those who cannot pay these credits.

What happens if I don’t pay a drop by drop?

If you do not have the financial means to cancel said debt, the lenders resort to the intimidation, threat, coercion and even violence, which often ends with death. The victims of these drop-by-drop loans are mostly individuals and small businesses.

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Who lends money drop by drop?

According to General Óscar Arriola, head of the Criminal Investigation Directorate of the National Police of Peru (PNP)the people who lend money drop by drop and who lead these Criminal organizations They are generally of Colombian and Venezuelan origin.

“They have impressive publicity. Cards, posters and applications or apps that today are a quick channel (to make contact with their victims). They are looking for small businessmen, merchants who are in the markets, businesses, athletes, etc.”, said to TV Peru.

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How are drop-by-drop loans offered?

He Minister details that there are various modalities used by criminal gangs that are dedicated to drop-by-drop loans, including:

  • Notices on poles, walls, sidewalks, etc.
  • Announcements in markets, businesses and others.
  • Cards and flyers offering “money the touch”
  • With applications that record all your information
  • Through social networks (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.)
  • With newspaper advertising

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How do drop-by-drop loans work?

There are five stages that extortionists carry out once they offer drop-by-drop loans. Which are? Here we present them to you:

  1. Sudden increase in interest: Interest rates rise excessively per day.
  2. Debt reset: By failing to meet a quota, they force you to restart payments from scratch.
  3. One debt for another: They insist and “pressure” so that the victim takes new loans.
  4. Intimidation: Faced with non-payment, they put psychological pressure on their victims.
  5. Violence: They threaten, intimidate and harm their victims, family members and even their friends.

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Where can I report drop-by-drop loans?

If you’re victim of drip loansthe Ministry of the Interior makes the following information available to the public to denounce:

  • Line 1818
  • Cell phone 942841978
  • Police stations in your district
  • Criminal Investigation Departments (Depincri) closest

You should know that your complaint will be kept strictly confidential.


#Beware #dropbydrop #loans #PNP #Colombia #Peru

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