Pensions quota 41 advances instead of quota 100. And if you are 62 years old … News

by time news

Pensions quota 100 farewell: quota 41 and 62 years?

Quote 100 pensions he lives the last few months before falling into oblivion. And then? The Draghi government e labor unions are working to find the white smoke on the pension reform mechanism with the end of early retirement that allows get out of work at 62 and at least 38 of contributions. In the coming days the discussions will enter their hot phase with the convening of the ‘table’ by the Minister of Labor Orlando. In the meantime, however, some scenarios are beginning to emerge on what will be starting from January 1, 2022. The goal is not to return and not fall into the ‘merged‘of five years (which would be created without a measure capable of replacing the quota 100) and avoid the law Fornero.

Pensions: quota 41 after quota 100? Unions and the League agree

The hypothesis of quota 41 instead of quota 100 pensionthe. That is, with 41 years of contributions you could leave work at any age (with a reduction of one year and 10 months compared to the limit currently set until 2026 (which drops to 41 years and 10 months for female workers). to the trade unions and in recent days he has also found favor with the undersecretary (Northern League) at the Mef Claudio Durigon. “We too were thinking about Quota 41, I can only agree with the trade unions’ proposal not to return to the Fornero Law. Quota 100 was born as a norm for the flexibility in exit which blocked the life expectancy foreseen by the Fornero law ”.

Pensions after Quota 100: you leave work at 62

And then on the subject of pension reform – as reported by Il Sole 24 Ore – there is the hypothesis of 62 years as a minimum exit from work, “without too many constraints and penalties, including those related to the full version of the” contributory “. leader of the CGIL, Maurizio Landini, upon reaching this age a worker should be able to retire regardless of contributions “. An even more favorable 100 quota, therefore.” The unions, however, underline that the minimum pension requirement should be placed at the of a flexible system of exits – always reports Il Sole 24 ore – And to the use of flexibility, accompanied by a strengthening of the existing tools to facilitate certain categories of workers, such asSocial waters O Woman option, also look at the Pd. Similar is the conviction of the Five Star Movement that it would be in favor of early exits at the age of sixty-second but in combination with a significant number of years of contributions accrued “.

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