Magnitude 4.1 earthquake in the Jura village of Damvant –

by time news

The earth trembled during the night from Friday to Saturday in the Jura village of Damvant, located about fifteen kilometers west of Porrentruy. The tremor had a magnitude of 4.1, according to the Swiss Seismological Service (SED) of the ETHZ.

The tremor occurred at 12:59 a.m. at a depth of 5.9 kilometers. It was estimated to be level 3, i.e. the level of danger marked on the Confederation scale which has 5, indicates the SED, which specifies that it may have been felt in a large part of Switzerland.

The SED specifies that with an earthquake of this magnitude, slight damage is possible near the epicenter. Three aftershocks followed in the next half hour, oscillating between magnitudes of 1.5 to 1.9.

“Quite impressive”

And if this Jura shock did not hurt or damage, it surprised the inhabitants. The cantonal police have received several calls, and on its website, the SED has listed numerous testimonies from people who have felt the shock. Some were located 180 km from the epicenter.

The municipal councilor of Porrentruy in charge of security Julien Loichat testifies to this, he who felt the earthquake on his return from a family meal. “The feeling was strong, we had the impression that the ground was opening up under the house,” he testifies.

“The shaking was strong enough that we could feel the beams moving, the house, that it creaked, that the walls were shaking. It was really quite impressive to feel something like that,” he says again.

ats / ther with Gaël Klein

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