The secrets of the new arrangements of debts to the municipalities

by time news

2023-06-11 08:20:53

Detailed clarifications are provided by the Ministry of the Interior with a new circular of its services.

Detailed clarifications on the way in which overdue debts to municipalities can be settled are provided by the Ministry of the Interior with a new circular of its services.

According to what is mentioned in the circular, debts to the municipalities that have become overdue after 1.11.2021 and until 1.2.2023 can be settled either in 2 up to 36 monthly installments or in 37 up to 72 monthly installments, with annual interest which is calculated on the basis of the last published average annual interest rate of loans in euros without a fixed duration of mutual accounts granted by all credit institutions in Greece to non-financial companies, as published by the Bank of Greece, plus 0.25% in the first case ( of 2 to 36 doses) or more 1.5% in the second case (of 37 to 72 doses). In order to be included in the regulation, the debtor must:

a) to have no overdue debts or unregulated overdue debts to the cash services of the municipalities on 1.11.2021 and, moreover, since he had been subject to the arrangement of one hundred (100) installments, he had not lost it until the date of subjection to the new arrangement,

b) to have submitted all income statements for the last five years until 31.12.2022,

c) at the time of being subject to the regulation, he has not been irrevocably convicted of tax evasion or smuggling.

The amount of each monthly installment cannot be less than 30 euros, except for the last one. Debts that became overdue after 1.11.2021 can also be included in the above arrangement, have been included in permanent arrangements, as long as the terms of said arrangements were observed on 1.2.2023 and as long as these arrangements include exclusively and only debts that have become overdue until 1.2.2023.

If there are other unregulated debts, which became overdue before 1.11.2021, even if they are settled, the debtor is not subject to the conditions of the new regulation and therefore cannot be subject to it. Also excluded from the regulation are those debts that cannot be subject to a statutory regulation of partial payment (eg rents) or their regulation is prohibited by other laws.

Other unregulated debts

In addition to the previous conditions, in order for the debtor to join the new arrangement, if he has other unregulated debts that became overdue after 1.2.2023 and has not included them in another informed arrangement of partial payment installments, he is obliged within one month of the validation of the inclusion, to regulate them with the fixed regulation of twenty-four (24) or forty-eight (48) installments as the case may be.

In any case, in order to join the new arrangement, a debtor who has other unsettled debts, can join by settling these other debts at the same time, provided, however, that the debts in question became overdue after 1.2.2023. The settlement of the debt is canceled and lost in case of non-payment of even one (1) monthly installment.

The old settings
In accordance, moreover, with the clarifications of the circular, arrangements for partial payment of debts to municipalities in up to 100 monthly installments, and in particular the arrangements of articles 110-117 of Law 4611/2019 and Articles 165-172 of Law 4764/ 2020, which were lost or became non-serviceable until 1.2.2023, can be revived, after submitting an application for their reinstatement. For this to happen, two installments must be paid at the same time by 31.7.2023. In particular, the current installment of the reviving arrangement must be paid, as well as an additional installment, which amortizes old obligations in order of seniority.

After reinstatement, the outstanding installments of the forfeited arrangement that had a due date after the date of the reinstatement application, which do not incur late payment interest, are paid first, followed by the outstanding installments of the forfeited arrangement that expired before the date submission of the reinstatement application, which are charged with late payment interest, in accordance with the above.

It is not permitted to reinstate a debtor in the form of fewer installments and a higher rate of cancellation of surcharges and fines or in the form of more installments and a lower percentage of cancellation of surcharges and fines than the number of installments and the percentage of cancellation of surcharges and fines provided for in the original arrangement in which the debtor joined. If the debtor, on the date of reinstatement, has other unregulated overdue debts, he is obliged within one month from the validation of the revival, to pay them off or settle all of them with the fixed arrangement of 24 or 48 installments. If the debtor has lost the permanent arrangement for the above-mentioned other unregulated debts in the past, he has the possibility of joining the permanent arrangement under the terms of the second chance.

The admission process
The application for inclusion in the new regulation of 36 or 72 installments or for the revival of a lost regulation of 100 installments is submitted to the relevant municipality until 30.6.2023 via the website of the municipality or via e-mail or through a special application of the competent municipality.

The debtor’s inclusion in the arrangement of 36 or 72 installments is done by paying the first installment of the arrangement within three (3) working days from the date of notification to the debtor of the relevant decision. Subsequent installments are paid monthly until the last working day of the following months from the date of payment of the first installment. Regarding the revival of the old arrangements of 100 installments, this is done by paying the two (2) installments until 31.7.2023.


#secrets #arrangements #debts #municipalities

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