PRD continues without registration in Coahuila, IEC determines the request is inadmissible

by time news

2023-06-12 02:16:52

Saltillo, Coah.- The General Council of the Electoral Institute of Coahuila (IEC) determined inadmissible the request of the Party of the Democratic Revolution (PRD)through which he requested that the votes that were issued in favor of the coalition in which he was with the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI) y National Action (PAN)in all their combinations to reach the minimum threshold of 3 percent of the valid ballot cast, and obtain their state registration.

In the Extraordinary Session, it was stated that the PRD made this request to get the votes that it assures correspond to the election of the governorship, and that of Local Deputations.

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The General Electoral Council based its refusal on article 87, numerals 2 and 10 of the General Law of Political Parties, which provide that national and local political parties may form coalitions for the elections of Governor, deputies to local legislatures with relative majority and municipalities, as well as the Head of Government, deputies to the Legislative Assembly with a relative majority and the heads of the political-administrative bodies of the territorial demarcations of the Federal District; but they also refer that political parties may not distribute or transfer votes through a coalition agreement.

I also argue what is stated in the state Electoral Code in its article 71, numerals 1, 9 and 11, it makes the same statement, regardless of the type of election, agreement and terms that the coalition parties adopt in it, each one of them will appear with their own emblem on the ballot, depending on the election in question; “The votes will be added for the coalition’s candidacy and will count for each of the political parties for all the purposes established in this Code.”

#PRD #continues #registration #Coahuila #IEC #determines #request #inadmissible

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