The Benefits and Risks of Kiwi: Allergies and Other Health Concerns in Germany

by time news

2023-06-10 07:23:00

kiwi A delicious fruit rich in vitamins, antioxidants and fiber. This fruit is high in vitamin C, which strengthens the immune system, and other nutrients including potassium, folate, and the enzyme actinidin, which improves digestion.

Just two kiwi fruits cover your daily requirement. But despite its benefits, some people suffer from it allergy After eating it, according to the magazine “Vital” German.

If you are allergic to kiwi, you may develop a range of symptoms during or immediately after eating it symptoms: tingling in the tongue, itching in the throat, swelling of the mucous membranes, itching in the eyes, and digestive problems such as colic, flatulence or diarrhea.

An allergic reaction to kiwi is harmless and subsides quickly, but a person who experiences breathing difficulties or severe swelling and abdominal pain should seek medical help immediately.

And it’s a good idea first and foremost to avoid allergens – especially if you have severe symptoms. Medicines such as antihistamines or eye drops or nasal spray.

The explanation for why you may have a fruit allergy is due to what is known as a “cross allergy”. This type of allergy usually affects people who are allergic to it pollen. This is because the allergens have a biochemical structure similar to that of some types of fruit, including kiwi. For this reason, hay fever sufferers cannot tolerate kiwi allergy and its unpleasant symptoms.

Anyone who suffers from pollen allergy is usually intolerant of pollen Nuts and stone fruits, kiwi, celery, and carrots.

People who are allergic to pollen may also experience symptoms after eating herbs, spices, carrots, sunflower seeds, celery or mangoes. They also often suffer from “cross allergy” to flour, bran, tomatoes and legumes.

Allergies in Germany… From pollen to animal hair

Pollen allergy

A poll conducted by the German “Apotikken om Schau” website showed that every one out of every seven people in Germany suffers from some kind of allergy. According to the survey, about 62.6 percent of the infected people are allergic to the pollen of trees and plants, as it particularly affects the nasal mucous membranes. This is accompanied by diseases of the respiratory tract. The reason for this high percentage of people with pollen allergy is due to infection in the early years of life.

Allergies in Germany… From pollen to animal hair

ticks and household dust

On the contrary, every fourth person suffers from allergies due to household dust and/or ticks, according to the study. This constitutes 23.3 percent of people with allergic diseases.

Allergies in Germany… From pollen to animal hair

Animal hair

In the third place comes allergy from animal hair, as 21.6 percent of respiratory problems are caused by animal hair or skin scales. In particular, patients suffer from the hair of dogs and cats.

Allergies in Germany… From pollen to animal hair


In Germany, 17.6 percent of people with allergies are sensitive to certain types of fruits, vegetables, milk products, nuts and proteins. However, avoiding eating some of these foodstuffs reduces the effects of allergies that they cause.

Allergies in Germany… From pollen to animal hair

Some classes of medicines

Despite the importance of medicines for treatment, they may also cause side effects, 10 percent of which are allergies, which is meant by “drug allergy”, which is skin rashes, for example. The study showed that about 12.3% of the participants suffer from this type of allergy, which is caused primarily by painkillers and penicillin.

Allergies in Germany… From pollen to animal hair

Perfumes and luxury cosmetics

Some people cannot imagine our modern life without perfumes, which are increasingly used in cosmetics, lotions and detergents. But perfumes irritate 9.2 percent of the study participants, causing skin redness, itching and chronic inflammation.

Allergies in Germany… From pollen to animal hair


7.4 percent of Germans suffer from an allergy to metals, particularly nickel, which causes allergic symptoms. But even prosthetic teeth, knees, and hips can cause sensitivity in some people.

Allergies in Germany… From pollen to animal hair

Insect sting

The study also revealed that 7.1 percent of Germans suffer from anaphylactic shock, which is caused by insect stings, such as bees, wasps, hornets or spiders.

Allergies in Germany… From pollen to animal hair


The chemical sensitivity is at least 6 percent. This is often due to an intolerance to cigarette smoke, solvents or gases. As for the symptoms, they are not specific, as they differ from one person to another. But common symptoms are feeling tired, headache, burning eyes and shortness of breath.

Allergies in Germany… From pollen to animal hair

Sun rays

The study ranked sun sensitivity in tenth place, as the skin turns red after exposure to sunlight, and in some of the worst cases, painful blisters form on the skin. In order to prevent the effects of sun allergy, the skin must be painted with sunscreen creams.

#Kiwi #allergy. #avoid #annoying #symptoms

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