Brussels, Burundian citizens commemorate the day of patriotism –

by time news

2023-06-09 09:39:57

On June 8 of each year since 2022, the people of Burundi have celebrated National Patriotism Day, a date which coincides with the death of President Pierre Nkurunziza. The late Pierre Nkurunziza is a symbol of the sovereignty and dignity of the Burundian people, he is someone who had a big heart, who loved people without distinction.

He helped a lot of people especially, he sympathized enormously for the less fortunate people or who had not been preserved by their fates such as orphans, widows or widowers. He did his best to help them as much as possible.

He had the quality of being a man of great wisdom, a man who loved the unity of people. It is obvious that he had been affected by the cycles of violence that the country has known. His dream was to see our country Burundi live in lasting peace.

The added value of National Patriotism Day is the perpetuation of patriotic memory. As long as there is a date that reminds us of patriotism, we will also remember that the late President Pierre Nkurunziza planted in us the idea that we must absolutely love our country and understand the value of the homeland, Burundi”.

In short, patriotism is this unconditional love of the homeland, it is the ability to devote oneself to the Nation. The National Day of Patriotism is important for the life of the country because it invites us to meditate more on our daily commitment and on our acts of patriotic preferences. When one is a citizen, one must love one’s country.


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