‘Angels’ greeted and requested support

by time news

2023-06-08 16:39:28

The parents of the one hundred and forty children of the “Despertar de los Ángeles” Center, in Riobamba, attended the Municipal Council session yesterday to deliver a present to Mayor John Vinueza and the eleven councilors. Once the ordinary session was installed, a recess was made to receive the delegation from the center who have their needs, including the lack of therapists to care for the children who come daily and others who are waiting.

‘Angeles’ greeted and requested support, President Fabián Arias used the ’empty chair’ to greet and expose the needs of this center that is under the administration of the Municipal Government. Arias said that many people do not know that it is a center attached to the Municipality of Riobamba and that, at the moment, they have a little deficit in terms of infrastructure, in terms of therapists, so we have to commit the authorities to support in the improvement of the center. Previously, they already held a previous meeting with the mayor, in which the needs were exposed.

In the same way, they held a working meeting with the coordinator of the development centers. Now, nothing more, managers and parents eagerly await that all offers are met. It was known that the greatest need they face is the number of therapists, because depending on the areas they only have one therapy a week, which must be at least 45 minutes, but, since there are so many children, the time has decreased in the therapies of those who come to the center, since they should receive two to three times a week.

#Angels #greeted #requested #support

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