A new study reveals which drink hydrates us the most. No, it’s not the water

by time news

2023-06-12 13:00:05

Science invites you to learn the best way to quench thirst.

Fighting dehydration is possible with more than just water.

Training, either through free apps to perform yoga exercises or with web pages that propose simple routines, should be part of our healthy habits. But we should not only focus on the physical exercise itself, but also, for example, on the best way to stay hydrated, since it is beneficial for our body. If you thought that water was the most hydrating drink, science has something to explain to you.

It is healthy to consume water, but it is not the drink that hydrates the fastest

The most obvious answer If they ask you which substance hydrates the most, it would be the agua. It is true that the element most present in our body is able to hydrate to keep us alive, but would not be the most efficient when performing this task. According to a study published in the scientific journal The American Journal of Clinical Nutritionwater is an interesting drink to recover lost hydration, but it would be drinks with the presence of sugar, fat or protein that can keep the body hydrated for longer.

By the way, it has always been thought that caffeine caused dehydration, but the reality has nothing to do with an unverified fact, as the tweet that we show you on these lines assures. Returning to body hydration, within the drinks that contain the three elements previously mentioned, the leche is the one better would do this hydration work of the organism.

And this is due, according to research carried out by scientists at the University of Saint Andrews, to our body’s response to the consumption of beverages. The study’s lead author, Ronald Maughan, says there is two key factors when it comes to being hydrated: the rhythm to whom we consume the drinks and the content from the same.

Firstly, scientific evidence ensures that drink faster hydrate faster also, since the stomach processes the drink before and it reaches the bloodstream more quickly. But reason for which the leche hydrates for longer is due to composition of its nutrients. We are talking about a drink that contains lactoseincluding glucose molecules inside, protein and fatwhich needs a indicted something longer in the stomach, which causes its absorption to be slower and hydration lasts longer.

other factor that causes the milk to hydrate more is the presence of sodium in its composition, which acts as a sponge, causing less urine and, therefore, less water loss. That is why, for example, solutions to treat diarrhea contain sugar, potassium and sodium, substances that allow fluid retention in the body. So you already know, if you want to be hydrated or hydratedconsume more leche. Your body will thank you.

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