Ganz: “Our achievement this year is the replacement of Netanyahu”

by time news
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Already less sour? Defense Minister and blue-and-white chairman Bnei Gantz convened members of his party on Saturday evening and spoke about the achievements of his white power since the formation of the Bennett-Lapid government.

According to Ganz, his goal is to replace Netanyahu, he said: “This year’s achievement is to replace Netanyahu and form a government that works for the public, not without difficulties and without tensions, but the system works and there is healthy cooperation and dialogue. For me, blue and white stopped Netanyahu, Led to his replacement. “

“At the same time,” Ganz added and went on to sting Prime Minister Yair Lapid. “In fact, it maintains what Blue and White advocated from the first moment – compromises between the right and the left, for a sane and functioning government that leads a line of unity. Blue and white in this government is also a bridge between the days and the left.”

Regarding a government with the ultra-Orthodox, Ganz said: “I would be happy if the ultra-Orthodox were partners in the government, and in that way it would represent all the groups in Israeli society.”

Ganz told activists during the zoom that in the days before the formation of the government, he was forced to cancel a meeting with Abu Mazen, for fear that this would jeopardize the formation of the government, and stressed the importance of contact with the Palestinian Authority.

His party colleague MK Eitan Ginzburg addressed the issue and said: “In the formation of the government, others did a ‘blue and white act’ and became flexible. Everyone gives up a little and listens to the other side and the state is run sane. “

He added: “It is important for us to promote the Basic Law on Equality that we managed to pass in the previous Knesset. I meet with the various factions, most support it, we are the only countries in the West that do not anchor the value of equality in law, especially after anchoring the principle of nationality. “And for any part that feels like a minority, that does not infringe on the rights of the individual.”

On the security issue, Ganz said: “We are after a difficult incident at Chumash and I would like to share the grief of the Dimentman family again, but we must remember that the IDF, GSS and police security forces are constantly working, thwarting dozens of attacks and our soldiers are on alert this weekend. “Strengthen them. We have had a year with significant security achievements, and another year that we are establishing and strengthening the political power and peace agreements.”

On the operation of the Wall Guard, Ganz said: “The Wall Guard hit Hamas’ terrorist infrastructure from the air, sea and land. We succeeded in depriving Hamas of all its offensive capabilities in the operation. , And we are allowing more than two million Palestinians to live, while continuing the efforts to rehabilitate the boys and restrict economic development in the Gaza Strip.

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