Purchasing power: a gesture of 3.5 billion euros for civil servants

by time news

2023-06-13 01:00:05

Cushioning the persistent shock of inflation. Among the approximately 5.7 million state employees, local authorities and hospitals, the government’s response to the question of purchasing power had been awaited, eagerly awaited, for weeks. The government has decided to make a move. As of July 1, the index point (which serves as the basis for calculating remuneration) will be increased by 1.5%, announced this Monday afternoon Stanislas Guérini, the Minister of Transformation and Public Service to the eight civil servants’ federations at a “concluding” meeting. It also undertakes to grant on January 1, 2024 “5 index points allocated to all”. Clearly, each level will be upgraded by 5 points, or the equivalent of 25 euros per month on average.

“We have heard” the will of general increase of the unions, one assured the ministry a few hours before. But in a constrained budgetary context, “efforts must be concentrated on the purchasing power, in particular of low wages”, we insisted, already seriously marking the ground. A little music obviously returned to the ears of the unions, not surprised in the end by the announcement. The calculations were quickly made around the table. This is more than half the 3.5% granted in the summer of 2022, which then represented an envelope of 7.5 billion. The CGT, the first union in the public sector, which was demanding a 10% increase, even rushed before the end to denounce a “largely insufficient” measure. Even though it was complemented by other nudges…

“Priority to those who take the brunt of inflation”

“It’s an effort of 3.5 billion euros in 2023 and 6 billion in 2024. I assume it: priority for those who take the brunt of inflation”, pleaded Stanislas Guerini, trying to cut the grass under the feet of the representatives of civil servants left unsatisfied. And the minister to focus on another measure, expected by the CFDT in particular, targeted this time on low wages and the “middle classes” of the public service.

Between September and November, one out of two State agents (i.e. 1.2 million people) and 70% of agents in the hospital function (where low salaries are numerous) will receive a so-called “purchasing power” bonus. , which some already call the Guerini premium. It will be degressive, up to 800 euros for low salaries and reduced to 300 euros depending on the level of remuneration. Are concerned all the agents whose remuneration goes up to 3 250 euros gross monthly. This bonus will be specified by decree.

As if to show clearly that this purchasing power package is not nothing, the minister highlights the calculations provided by his teams. For example, the gain in compensation for the two measures on the lowest wages in the second quarter of 2023 will represent “up to 13% compared to January. »

To visualize the impact more broadly, he cites the example of a school teacher earning 2,037 euros net monthly (with seven years of seniority), who will see the equivalent of 102 euros more per month on his salary at second half of 2023, index and premium included. That of the caregiver paid 2,238 euros (ten years of seniority) who will receive 93 euros more per month. Or, the peacekeeper paid 2,061 euros net per month (15 years of seniority) who can count on 105 euros more.

The payment by the employer of the transport ticket will increase

Another small boost granted, the management of the transport ticket by the employer, will increase. It will go from 50% to 75%. “For a civil servant working in Île-de-France and who uses the Navigo pass, this will represent a gain of 19.25 euros per month”, further specifies the ministry.

And the agents of the territorial collectivities? The employers – their representatives were received this morning by the Minister – still have to sit around the table to decide. The local authorities, which employ two million civil servants, consider an increase “justified” in view of the high inflation, but deplore the limited room for maneuver, insists Philippe Laurent, spokesperson for the Coordination of territorial employers, while the ” budgets were voted at the beginning of the year”.

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