CEOE Foundation, Cáritas and CEO present the EmpleaLab labor inclusion project in Ourense

by time news

2023-06-12 14:13:09

Cáritas Española, Fundación CEOE and CEO have presented this morning to social entities and the business community the employment inclusion project EmpleaLab, financed by the Next Generation Funds of the European Union and which also has the participation of the Ministry of Inclusion, Social Security and Migrations, and the Adecco Foundation.

EmpleaLab is a pilot inclusion project whose objective is to improve the employability of vulnerable people – beneficiaries of the Minimum Vital Income (IMV) – through the improvement of their basic, transversal and digital skills for job search and maintenance.

The event, held at the CEO headquarters, was attended by the president of the CEO Marisol Nóvoa, the president of the CEOE Foundation, Fátima Báñez, the general secretary of Apoio ao Emprego, Covadonga Toca, the director of Cáritas, María Tabarés, and the president of the CEG, Juan Manuel Vieites, supported in the presentation by numerous representatives of social entities and companies in the province.

Today’s presentation has served to explain this collaborative pilot project that, in addition to Ourense, is being carried out in 10 other Spanish provinces: Albacete, Barcelona, ​​Cuenca, Girona, Guadalajara, León, Lugo, Menorca, Valladolid and Zamora.

With the collaboration of the CEO, the CEOE Foundation is going to carry out business prospecting work in the Ourense province, with the aim of reaching collaboration agreements with companies and discovering job vacancies to facilitate labor inclusion. This prospecting work will also result in a diagnosis of the real labor needs that exist in the province. In addition, the CEOE Foundation, in coordination with the Cáritas services, will carry out the labor intermediation phase, coordinating job offers and referring the appropriate participants.

The methodology developed for the execution of EmpleaLab has a strong component of social innovation, since it involves the implementation of a research that seeks to find out if orientation, training and support in the search for employment influence the employability of employees. candidates and female candidates.

Phases and working methods

The EmpleaLab Project aims to define and develop intensive itineraries in job orientation, training in digital and basic skills and intermediation that provide an improvement in employability mainly to people who are beneficiaries of the IMV through inclusion itineraries, studying the impact of carrying them out.

To this end, the work will be concentrated in 3 phases: orientation, training and the third that includes business prospecting, intermediation and insertion. The project will develop intensive itineraries of social inclusion with the participating people to provide them with innovative services, methods and tools in order to achieve their labor insertion.

Business prospecting, business awareness, loyalty actions, offer management and networking activities are some of the services and tools that the project will promote to achieve the adjustment between job vacancies and the candidates belonging to these vulnerable groups.

The companies that participate in the EmpleaLab project will be able to obtain the Seal of Social Inclusion, a public hallmark of the General State Administration with which companies that carry out actions that contribute to the transit of the beneficiaries of the Minimum Vital Income are recognized, from a situation of risk of poverty and exclusion from active participation in society.

The value of the business sector and public-private collaboration

One of the hypotheses that is intended to be contrasted with this work is the value that the business sector can contribute, through its participation in the processes of identifying unfilled jobs and the subsequent intermediation between companies and groups in a situation of exclusion. The results obtained will help the design of public policies, especially those focused on vulnerable groups or those with more difficulties in accessing employment.

‘The combination of resources, actions, training, strategies and personnel of our entities will make it easier for us to carry out this labor insertion of the most vulnerable people in our society, at a time and in a context, in addition, in which it is extremely necessary, after to go through consecutive periods of crisis since the pandemic that aggravated the fragile situation of these groups,’ highlighted Marisol Nóvoa at the opening of the meeting.

On behalf of Cáritas Ourense, its director María Tabarés pointed out that ‘programs such as EmpleaLab represent a benefit for the whole of Ourense society because raising the standard of living of our participants has an impact on an improvement of the entire society and, ultimately, also benefits to the business fabric. It is necessary that companies continue to become aware of their social responsibility so that, through inclusive employment actions, the quality of life of the entire population is improved’.

Juan Manuel Vieites stated that he felt proud ‘as president of the CEG in view of the commitment of our companies with their environment and in particular with the most vulnerable groups. It is a source of satisfaction for the CEG that our business organizations, in this case the CEO, have made a firm commitment to the development of the project with Cáritas and the CEOE Foundation, in the province of Ourense. Companies must not only modernize their technological capacity, bet on digitization, sustainability and the energy transition, which of course constitute unavoidable challenges that will condition their survival. They also need to bet and support their social environment, on which they must build their strength.

From the CEOE Foundation, Fátima Báñez has stated that “with the leadership of Cáritas and in a strategic alliance by Spanish society, the CEOE Foundation will channel the social commitment of our companies for the integration of the most vulnerable people through training and employment thanks to EmpleaLab”. “It is a cutting-edge project that should be a bridge to employment and a reference in terms of inclusion. A winning alliance for people, to be a benchmark in social innovation, and a drive from unity that shows that Spanish companies continue to put all their capacity at the service of everyone to achieve excellence as a society ”, she added.

Finally, the general secretary of Apoio ao Emprego, Traballo Autónomo e Economía Social, Covadonga Toca, stressed the importance of carrying out actions to achieve inclusive employment, implementing specific employment measures under equal conditions and opportunities and that also extend to the field of entrepreneurship. Toca indicated that corporate social sustainability will become, with the new Galician Equality Law currently in parliament, one of the fundamental axes to fight against discrimination against women in the labor field and to make equality of opportunity effective. opportunities in the community.

At the end of the act, Marisol Nóvoa wanted to emphasize that ‘the business community is also concerned -and not now, but for a long time- about social cohesion; Companies are also committed to social development, because the business fabric is linked to society from the moment it is born and this link is strengthened and revitalized to give back to society what it provides for its development. And because the current situation and the context of consecutive crises that we are going through, requires our involvement even more to curb social inequalities.’

During the presentation of EmpleaLab, a roundtable discussion was moderated by the CEO’s secretary, Jaime Pereira, and in which the coordinators of the project from Cáritas, Beatriz Iraeta, and from the CEOE Foundation, Miguel Ángel García, participated, who dealt with to explain in detail the operation, phases and objectives of the project, a talk in which they were accompanied by representatives of the companies Prink and D3 Gestión.

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