Civil service: the index point will be revalued by 1.5% on July 1

by time news

2023-06-12 17:46:52

The government announced, Monday, June 12, a revaluation of 1.5% on July 1 of the index point for civil servants and a decreasing bonus to support low and medium salaries, we learned from the Ministry of the Function. public.

This so-called “purchasing power” bonus, amounting to between 300 and 800 euros, will be paid before the end of 2023. It will benefit agents earning up to 3,250 euros gross per month, and will be perceived by 50% of State agents and 70% of public hospital agents, specifies the ministry.

A receptionist at the start of his career would thus earn a total of 182 euros per month more, and a school teacher with seven years of seniority 102 euros more, we detail from the same source. But according to the CGT press release, the bonus “does not seem to be renewable” which would greatly limit the gain in sustainable purchasing power.

A “largely insufficient measure”, according to the CGT

The first public service union denounces a “largely insufficient measure” while inflation still reached 5.1% in May, according to INSEE.

The unions, united by their common opposition to the pension reform, unanimously demanded a general increase, of varying magnitude depending on the organization, after the revaluation of 3.5% of the index point obtained last year. “A general revaluation of at least 10%” of salaries is necessary, had added to AFP Céline Verzeletti, patron of the CGT federation of state officials.

In addition to the index point and the purchasing power bonus, public officials obtained the renewal for 2023 of the Individual Purchasing Power Guarantee (Gipa), an increase in mission expenses, better coverage of subscriptions to public transport and an increase in the monetization scale for time savings accounts.

The Gipa is an allowance for all agents whose gross index salary would have evolved less quickly than the consumer price index over a period of four years.


The agents of the territorial public service are not direct beneficiaries of the purchasing power bonus but “a salary policy tool for the communities” will be created for those “who would like to pay it to their agents”, according to the document from the ministry. .

The local authorities, which employ 2 million civil servants, consider an increase “justified” in view of the high inflation, but deplore the limited room for maneuver while the “budgets were voted at the beginning of the year”, indicated to the AFP Philippe Laurent, spokesperson for the Coordination of Territorial Employers. To increase predictability, he calls for a “lasting” framework for the next salary discussions.

Stanislas Guerini first received the unions one by one at the end of May before bringing them together on Monday to finalize his proposals.

The cost to public finances of the 3.5% revaluation of the salaries of state agents, communities and hospitals in the summer of 2022 had been calculated at 7.5 billion euros for a full year. According to the ministry, the new measures announced on Monday are in addition to the full-year effect of the revaluation of last year and to categorical measures, in particular in favor of teachers.

All of these measures would represent for the state civil service “an increase of 6.8% in 2023”, at a time when the government is hunting for savings for its 2024 draft budget.

Beyond wages, the government is seeking a lasting dialogue with the unions, which for a time boycotted official meetings at the ministry to protest against the postponement to 64 of the legal retirement age.

Stanislas Guerini thus hopes to quickly submit to them a draft agreement on the financing by the State of the pension costs of its agents. Housing aid schemes for civil servants could also be announced in the coming weeks.

#Civil #service #index #point #revalued #July

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