How to be happy and enjoy physical and mental health – Ashkelon website

by time news

2023-06-13 09:32:53

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All over the world, people are interested in maintaining better mental health in their quest to find inner peace. There is an effect of happiness on mental and general health and we can create our own happiness. In fact, the relationship is two-way – if you are healthier, you are happier, and if you are happier, you are healthier.

Happiness is the physical, mental and emotional state that creates a feeling of well-being. It can be achieved through strengthening physical health and working on emotional and mental health. Adhering to a healthy lifestyle that includes a balanced diet and physical activity may result in a decrease in heart rate and blood pressure and a reduction in anxiety, all of which may be related to happiness. In addition, happiness is associated with the release of endorphins, serotonin, dopamine and other neurotransmitters that affect brain health.

What makes people happy?

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A survey conducted found that most people regard their health (both physical and mental), their family (spouses and children), and their sense of purpose as the factor that gives them the “greatest happiness”. After that are the standard of living, the feeling of security and control, being in nature, meaningful work and financial security.

While the path to achieving better health and its connection to happiness may be relatively clear, finding the goal is also a personal journey that requires digging deep and getting to know the true self. Positive psychology, the field that studies the optimization of emotional and mental health, has found that people who have a sense of purpose tend to be happier.

Dr. David Heber, Chairman of the Herbalife Nutrition Institute says: “Happiness is not a random feeling, or something that just happens, but something that you make happen. Happiness is a feeling of physical, emotional and spiritual well-being that, when it exists, should provide a lasting sense of satisfaction. Use the time to consciously create happiness with the help of habits that will have a positive effect on physical and mental health and will allow you to maintain a sense of inner peace.”

Dr. Heber grants Tips for creating happiness and better general health in the long term:

  • supply the body with fuel – There is scientific evidence that a healthy diet contributes to happiness. The state of physical well-being is largely determined by how you fuel your body. The body is a tool that will function better the better you take care of it. This can be done through daily habits that include a balanced diet and an active and healthy lifestyle.
  • We practiced regularly- Regular exercise and an active lifestyle may benefit both body and mind. When we exercise, the muscles and the brain benefit from increased blood flow that delivers oxygen and nutrients to the brain cells. The dopamine pathways in the brain are also stimulated and activate the pleasure center. Therefore, exercise may improve mood and fight depression and addictive behaviors, including overeating.
  • Take time to relax- There’s a reason the global interest in self-care is on the rise—taking time to relax and recharge is one of the best ways to find true happiness. The most effective way to do this is through relaxation. This theory proves that relaxation has many effects on the body, including lowering blood pressure, slowing the heart rate and calming the mind. The steps to activate the relaxation response include: 1) sitting quietly alone 2) relaxing the muscles from head to toe by contracting and relaxing each muscle 3) focusing on breathing 4) deep breathing; and 5) thinking about a relaxing image (eg waves in the sea). A daily practice of just 20 minutes can recharge your mind and help you fall asleep at night.
  • Purpose- One of the main principles of positive psychology is finding the “why” or purpose. True happiness comes from a life we ​​choose because it fulfills personal purpose. To find your purpose, focus on the following four steps: 1) Find your passion or what you love 2) Define your mission or what you feel the world needs more of 3) Find a job you can get paid for 4) Be confident in what you are good at it
  • be grateful –Changing the perception may be significant – instead of complaining about the bad things in life, focus on the good things, big or small. Although this may be easier said than done, psychological research shows that focusing on what is good in our lives and being grateful will make us happier. Keeping a gratitude “journal” or making a short gratitude list every day for everything you have can help improve your mood.
  • Focus on the things you can control- We all have a circle of influence and a circle of concern. The circle of concern consists of all the external factors that are not under our control, while the circle of influence includes things we can control, for example personal habits. Choose a proactive approach and focus on the things you can change instead of worrying about the things you cannot. Taking responsibility for personal habits and achievements will improve confidence and the feeling of happiness. Proactive thinking allows you to focus on change instead of being passive and “paralyzed” by worry and anxiety. One of the best ways to improve happiness is through adopting healthy habits in all aspects of life, including a balanced diet and maintaining an active and healthy lifestyle.

Ashkelon – the daily website of Ashkelon on the Internet

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Ashkelon – the daily website of Ashkelon on the Internet

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