Myths about healthy eating

by time news

2023-06-13 08:55:09

Concern for a healthy diet has been increasing in recent years. More and more people are looking to fill the fridge with healthy products. However, as public interest grows, so do the myths about healthy eating.

Mitos sobre alimentación saludable: ¿Cómo debemos comer?There are widespread myths about healthy eating

The lack of food education and the great current interest in carrying out a good diet have led to an increase in myths about healthy eating.

However, using the internet or social networks to answer certain questions is not always the best idea when it comes to taking care of one’s health and can even lead to misconceptions about nutrition.

The ideal is to go to a professional, in person or through video consultation, according to Sanitas experts, since these professionals know the situation of each patient and can detect pathologies, allergies and intolerances.

“Although the social awareness about the importance of a good diet is, without a doubt, good news, it has also been the point of origin of many false myths. The demonization or elimination of certain foods, the overestimation of the benefits of others or the appearance of new miracle diets and food fads can not only harm physical health, but can also be the origin of eating disorders or nutritional deficiencies.

Nuria Cañas Cano, nutritionist at BluaU de Sanitas.

The experts of sanitas have prepared a list with some of the most widespread myths about healthy eating in order to disprove them:

Carrot improves eyesight

This is one of the most widespread myths about healthy eating. Although it is true that carrots are a good source of vitamin A, which is beneficial for eye health, there is no evidence that eating this food alone can improve eyesight.

bread is fattening

Bread is one of the most demonized foods when it comes to losing weight. However, it should not be completely eliminated from the diet, we can simply adjust the amount according to our needs. Its consumption should depend on our condition, on whether we are active or sedentary people, for example.

Ideally, choose a bread whose percentage of wholemeal flour is greater than 80%, since it is a healthy option that satisfies and has great nutritional value.

Fruit after a meal hinders digestion

This is another of the most widespread myths about healthy eating. The truth is that there is no better or worse time of day to eat fruit, it can be consumed at any time.

In addition to being a food rich in vitamins and minerals, the fruit contributes to intestinal and stomach health, providing water, fiber and nutrients.

Eggs increase cholesterol

Some of the nutrients provided by the egg are proteins of high biological value, vitamin B12, D, A and E; iron or zinc. However, the increase in cholesterol is not a direct consequence of the consumption of this food, although its yolk provides us with a significant amount of this lipid.

It is recommended to consume about five eggs per week.


Whole foods help you lose weight

Sometimes we tend to choose whole foods because we believe they have fewer calories, but this is not true. In fact, most of the time they have the same and even more than their refined version. The composition of whole grain products is the same, what changes is the amount of fiber it contains, which is undoubtedly a benefit for intestinal health.

Food supplements should be taken

In recent years, the popularity of dietary supplementation has been increasing, whether to improve fitness, lose weight or improve health.

The truth is that food supplements are not necessary in a varied and balanced diet. They will only be essential when a professional indicates it for certain pathologies that produce large nutritional deficits.

#Myths #healthy #eating

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