Understanding Three-Day Fever in Children: Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment

by time news

2023-06-13 14:26:07

Almost all children will develop three-day fever at some point. How the disease affects and what parents can do.

  • Triggers are herpes viruses

  • The disease is usually harmless

  • Antipyretic measures as treatment

Three-day fever (also called roseola infantum or exanthema subitum) is highly contagious, but common harmless infectious disease. It often occurs in infants and young children. A high fever is typical, which suddenly subsides after a few days. After that, a skin rash. The disease occurs worldwide.

Transmission by droplet infection

Triggers for the three-day fever are herpes viruses, more precisely the human herpes virus 6 (HHV-6) or, more rarely, that humane Herpesvirus 7 (HHV-7). The virus is transmitted by droplet infection: infectious droplets get into the air when you sneeze, speak or cough and are inhaled. It takes an average of 7 to 17 days after infection for symptoms to appear (incubation period). It is possible that people can also transmit the virus without becoming ill themselves.

Three-day fever: typical symptoms

The three-day fever usually has two phases.

Phase 1

The affected children get a high fever, which can rise to over 39.5 degrees. After about three to five days, it suddenly drops again. Other symptoms can also occur, such as:

  • Runny nose and cough

  • swelling of the eyelids

  • swollen lymph nodes in the neck

  • vomiting and diarrhea

  • sore throat

  • in infants, there is often also a slightly swollen and tense fontanelle (area of ​​the skull that has not yet ossified)

Sometimes it can be due to the sudden increase in body temperature to so-called febrile seizures come. Typical signs of this are, for example, blue lips, loss of consciousness and twitching legs and arms. Although febrile seizures are alarming, in most cases they last only for a short time and the child recovers quickly.

Phase 2

The typical rash often only appears after the fever has subsided © istock.com/South_agency

Rash: After sudden drop in temperature a red rash often appears, which spreads widely in a short time. Slight nodules or reddish spots are typical, but they do not usually itch. The neck and trunk are particularly affected, but the rash can also appear on the face, arms and legs. After two to three days, the so-called exanthema disappears just as suddenly as it came.

In most children, the disease is harmless. Up to the age of three, almost all infants and young children have been infected with the three-day fever virus at some point, mostly even without symptoms to develop. Only children with an immune deficiency (e.g. after a bone marrow transplant or cancer) have an increased risk of complications. Here, an infection with the causative agent of three-day fever can trigger inflammation of the brain (encephalitis), the lungs or the liver.

How is the diagnosis going?

The pediatrician usually diagnoses three-day fever based on the symptoms that occur: It is typical strong fever, which lasts for several days and then suddenly drops. Then the rash develops. The disease can therefore often only be diagnosed when the fever has subsided.

difference from other febrile illnesses

It is difficult to distinguish three-day fever from other febrile illnesses until the rash has appeared. Sometimes the pediatrician orders further examinations – especially if the child is still very small and has had a fever for several days. Using a urine test For example, it can be determined whether an inflammation of the renal pelvis or bladder that requires treatment is behind the symptoms.

Three-day fever while traveling

Generally it is important high fever in children clarify medically to rule out other potentially serious illnesses. This is especially true if the child is still very small (baby or toddler) or if the fever lasts for several days. Ideally, before you start your trip, find out where there are medical specialists, paediatricians or children’s clinics at the holiday destination.

On site you can also ADAC travel medical information service at tel. +49 89 76 76 77Fax +49 89 76 76 36 77 and under [email protected] Provide with information.

Even before the start of the journey, it is also important to travel pharmacy to think. Among other things, it should contain antipyretic drugs that are appropriate for the child’s age.

Tips for immediate help with three-day fever

You can also do a number of things when you are out and about to ensure that your child survives the three-day fever:

  • Lukewarm calf wraps can help reduce fever. To do this, wet two cloths with lukewarm water and wring them out. Wrap a towel around the child’s lower leg and an additional, dry towel over it. Change every 10 to 15 minutes.

  • Babies and small children in particular lose a lot of fluids as a result of the fever. You should therefore drink plenty of water fluid and mineral loss to balance. Water, diluted juices and tea with a little dextrose are good for this.

  • Ideally, bring your child in a cool environment and make sure that they are not dressed too warmly.

treatment of symptoms

There are no special therapy against three-day fever. Only the symptoms can be treated. The focus is on fever-reducing measures (e.g. medication such as fever suppositories or calf wraps).

Occurs febrile seizure up, you should not hold onto the affected child too tightly and ensure that there is enough fresh air. Usually, although frightening, the attack is usually harmless and the affected child recovers after a short time. However, if the febrile seizure occurs for the first time, it is recommended to be on the safe side Emergency number 112 to choose. Emergency doctors can administer an antispasmodic drug if necessary and rule out other possible causes.

immunity after infection

After infection with the causative agent of three-day fever, the immune system forms antibodies against the virus. Those affected can usually not be infected again afterwards and are against one for the rest of their lives protected from recurrence.

A notice: This information has been carefully researched, but does not replace advice from a doctor. All statements without guarantee.

Author: Kathrin Rothfischer

#Threeday #fever #worry

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